Konsep Diri "I" damn "Me" Tokoh Hiroko dalam Novel Namaku Hiroko Karya Nh. Dini (Sebuah Kajian Interaksi Simbolik dalam Sosiologi Sastra)

Gaspar, Besin (2012) Konsep Diri "I" damn "Me" Tokoh Hiroko dalam Novel Namaku Hiroko Karya Nh. Dini (Sebuah Kajian Interaksi Simbolik dalam Sosiologi Sastra). Jurnal Ilmiah Sosial dan Humaniora, 5 (2). ISSN 0216-1532

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This research deals with the development of self concept of Hiroko as the main character in Namaku Hiroko by Nh. Dini and tries to identify how Hiroko is portrayed in the story, how she interacts with other characters and whether she is portrayed as a character dominated by "I" element or "Me" element seen from sociological and cultural point of view. As a qualitative research in nature, the source of data in this research is the novel Namaku Hiroko (1967) and the data are analyzed and presented deductively The result of this analysis shows that in novel, Hiroko as a fictional character is portrayed as a girl whose personality develops and changes drastically from “me” to “I”. When she was still in the village living with her parents, she was portrayed as a obedient girl who was loyal to the parents, polite and acted in accordance with the social custom. In short her personality was dominated by “Me” self concept. On the other hand, when she moved to the city (Kyoto), she was portrayed as a wild girl no longer controlled by the social custom. She was firm and determined to her won for her future without considering what other people would say about her. She did not want to be treated as object. To put it in another way, her personality is more dominated by the “I” self concept.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: character, self concept, symbolic interaction, sosioll1gical approach in literature
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
H Social Sciences > HM Sociology
Divisions: Polytechnic > Diploma in Foreign Business Language
Depositing User: Eko Setiawan 194014
Date Deposited: 09 Mar 2015 05:38
Last Modified: 12 Oct 2016 07:47
URI: http://repository.ubaya.ac.id/id/eprint/23547

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