Understanding Identity, Spiriyuality and Purchasing Behavior: Surabaya Luxuri Beauty Consumers Perspective

Efferin, Teresa Aurora (2016) Understanding Identity, Spiriyuality and Purchasing Behavior: Surabaya Luxuri Beauty Consumers Perspective. [Undergraduate thesis]

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The research titled Understanding Identity, Spirituality, and Purchasing Behaviour: Surabaya Luxury Beauty Consumers Perspective have the objective to give contribution towards the existing research gap in world of academic. The researcher conducted a depth interview, direct observation towards the participant, and supported document analysis. Intensive interview is conducted towards the participant which purpose is to understand the topic proposed deeper and understand the topic from the perspective of luxury beauty consumers. It is found by the researcher that self identity cannot be separated from changes in the past and present time due to unavoidable life events. Spirituality which is not yet been comprehend by the participant has unconsciously attached to individuals. Spirituality plays a role in helping the individual to accept life transformation better and spirituality in oneself is reflected in life principles and purpose. The truth about life believed by the participant as an individual is a manifestation of life experiences and events. Self identity of an individual is mirrored in the purchasing behaviour of an individual. Spirituality which is an integral part of self identity have indirect role in individual purchasing behaviour. Spirituality and mindfulness is reflected in the choice of products and determine the range of extension of the spirituality. The participant can have mindfulness or ignorance towards the consequences of the purchasing decision.

Item Type: Undergraduate thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: identity, spirituality, purchasing behaviour, mindfulness
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce
Divisions: Academic Department > Department of MKU
Depositing User: Masyhur 196042
Date Deposited: 17 Oct 2017 08:38
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2017 08:38
URI: http://repository.ubaya.ac.id/id/eprint/30912

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