Pengaruh Pengolahan Terhadap Nilai fungsional Bawang Putih (Allium sativum)

Thalia, Chessa Uly (2018) Pengaruh Pengolahan Terhadap Nilai fungsional Bawang Putih (Allium sativum). [Undergraduate thesis]

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Garlic is often utilized as food ingredient or disease treatment. Organosulphur compounds contained in garlic have bactericidal effect and antioxidant potentials. However, toxic effects and strong odor produced by the compound allicin contribute to the reduction of garlic consumption. The production of allicin compound can be inhibited by skipping grinding process and substituting it with other methods such as heating and soaking in salt water. The heat from oven will produce black garlic which is known to have increased antioxidant activities while soaking will produce pickled garlic. Processing of black garlic and pickled garlic without grinding makes the production pathway of organosulphur compounds will produce S-allyl cysteine which is known lower toxic effect and antioxidant activity up tp five or six fold compared to allicin. This research is done as a preliminary test to know the best processing of garlic (black garlic or pickled garlic) in related to the functional value of garlic, such as antioxidant, vitamin C content, total phenolic compound, and protein content. Processing of black garlic was done with oven temperature of 60 ℃, 70 ℃, and 80 ℃ for 30, 35, and 40 days, while pickled garlic was produced using salt concentration of 2 %, 3 %, and 5 % (b/v) for 15 and 40 days. The results showed that the best treatment for black garlic (80 ℃ for 40 days) and pickled garlic (salt concentration of 3 % for 40 days) has antioxidant activity (37,03 %, 72,30 %, and 32,17 %), phenolic content (0,50 mg GAE/ g sample, 1,09 mg GAE/ g sample, and 0,146 mg GAE/ g sample), vitamin C content (0,068 % b/b, 0,348 % b/b, and 0,054 % b/b), and protein content (3,1 % N, 7,61 % N, and 1,45 % N) respectively that was significantly different (pvalue < 0,05), and all three has antimicrobial activity with inhibitory power that was not significantly different (pvalue > 0,05). From total plate count test, no microorganism was found on black garlic and pickled garlic that was not significantly different (pvalue > 0,05). Therefore, the process that gives the highest functional value was the black garlic.

Item Type: Undergraduate thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: garlic, black garlic, pickled garlic, antioxidant activity, functional food, phenols, alliin, S-allyl cysteine.
Subjects: Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology
Divisions: Faculty of Technobiology > Department of Biology
Depositing User: Masyhur 196042
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2018 03:43
Last Modified: 13 Sep 2018 03:43

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