Desain dan Implementasi Sistem Inventory Data Ikan CV Pesona Mandiri Berbasis Google Sheets dan Appsheets

Wati, Dyah Ayu Kusuma and Barnad, Barnad (2022) Desain dan Implementasi Sistem Inventory Data Ikan CV Pesona Mandiri Berbasis Google Sheets dan Appsheets. Teknika, 11 (3). pp. 163-169. ISSN 2549-8037, EISSN 2549-8045

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Information and communication technology (ICT) has penetrated all aspects of life, such as office work. Data recording that has been done manually using paper and stationery can be easily transferred using software that is available free of charge and can be run on personal computers or mobile devices. The process of transferring media manually to digital will increase work effectiveness and efficiency, thereby increasing company profits. CV Pesona Mandiri requires a digital device in recording fish inventory data, because manual recording must be done in two stages, namely recording in a form, then re-entering it into the computer. The data recording process is carried out at the port and in a refrigerated room where fish are stored, making the forms used easily damaged by water. Another problem is that the longer the form for recording fish data results, the more the number, because the document is stored for the data validation process that has been recorded on the computer. Building a fish data inventory system is carried out in two stages, namely the design of the system that will be created and then implemented in order to produce an application program to record fish data. The system design stage uses the concept of Activity Diagram Unified Modeling Language and the system implementation stage uses the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) concept. Software to implement the system so that application programs are generated using the Google Sheet Application to record inputted data in the form of rows and columns as well as the Google Appsheet Application as a facility to create forms to enter data. The method used to validate the system is made by recording data directly and comparing it with the suitability of the data resulting from the recording process that has been carried out.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Data Inventory, Google AppSheets, Google Sheets, SDLC, UML
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: Polytechnic > Diploma in Secretary
Depositing User: Barnad (4303)
Date Deposited: 18 Nov 2022 02:00
Last Modified: 23 Nov 2022 09:28

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