Jesus, Graciana Alves De and Kok, Tjie (2024) Curcuminoid Compounds Inhibit Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor: In Silico Study for Their Association to Anti-diabetic Potency. Keluwih: Jurnal Kesehatan dan Kedokteran, 6 (1). pp. 48-58. ISSN 2715-6419
Kok, Tjie and Puspitasari, Elia Devina and Abdillah, Abdul Madjid and Pramesti, Nertico Hana and Sutanto, Tiffany Arista and Jesus, Graciana Alves De and Darmasetiawan, Noviaty Kresna and Mustikasari, Hany and Widyaastuti, Endang Widoeri and Felita, Carissa and Vania, Margaretha (2024) Teak Leaf Tea Product Development in Kebontunggul Village, Mojokerto. ENGAGEMENT : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 8 (2). pp. 396-405. ISSN 2579-8375; E-ISSN 2579-8391