Triwidiyanti, Wiwik and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Pramadi, Andrian (2024) Resilience of Indonesian Navy Wives: effects of self-efficacy and social support. Cogent Psychology, 11 (1). 2402606/1-7. ISSN 2331-1908
Safaria, Triantoro and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Rahaju, Soerjantini (2024) “Oh my phone, I can’t live without you”: a phenomenological study of nomophobia among college students. Qualitative Research Journal. ISSN 1443-9883
Purnamasari, Dewi and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Elisabeth, Mary Philia and Ayuni, Ayuni (2024) Penggunaan Criminal Profiling dalam Menentukan Typology Penjahat Konvensional dan Penjahat Siber: Systematic Literature Review. Jurnal Psikologi Tabularasa, 19 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1693-7007; E-ISSN 2541-013X
Febianti, Hasna Nafila and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Elisabeth, Mary Philia (2024) Identification of Psychological Factors That Cause And How to Handle Suicide in South Korea Based on Psychological Autopsi (Identifikasi faktor psikologis penyebab dan cara penanganan bunuh diri di Korea Selatan berdasarkan autopsi psikologis). Psikostudia: Jurnal Psikologi, 13 (1). pp. 111-116. ISSN 2302-2582; E-ISSN 2657-0963
Triwidiyanti, Wiwik and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Pramadi, Andrian (2023) Role of Self-Efficacy as a Mediator between Negative Emotionality and Resilience in Navy Wives. Journal of Educational, Health, and Community Psychology, 12 (4). pp. 840-860. ISSN 2088-3219; E-ISSN 2460-8467
Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Hartoko, Kevin and Ajuni, Ajuni and Wirawan, Hillman (2023) An Equal Match: Simultaneous vs. Sequential Methods in Face Testimony Accuracy [Setara: Metode Simultaneous vs. Sequential Dalam Keakuratan Kesaksian Wajah]. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, 38 (2). pp. 233-249. ISSN 0215-0158; E-ISSN 2620-5963
Chandrawijaya, Elvina Febriyani and Yudiarso, Ananta and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati (2022) EEG power spectral analysis and saccadic eye movement for true and false information. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan, 10 (1). pp. 9-16. ISSN 2540-8291 (Online), 2301-8267 (Print)
Putri, Widya Wijaya Kusuma and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Ajuni, Ajuni (2021) Dark Triad Personality as a Predictor of the Corrupt Intention of the State Civil Apparatus in District X. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 10 (2). pp. 376-399. ISSN Printed 2088-3129; ISSN Online 2460 8467
Suryanata, Liviani and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati (2021) Perilaku Pembunuhan Berencana Ditinjau dari Pendekatan Behavioristik. Jurnal Insight: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 17 (1). ISSN 1858-4063; EISSN: 2503-0949 (In Press)
Samiyah, Mirrah and Hadi, Usman and Pudjiraharjo, Widodo J. and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati (2021) The Effect Of Intention On The Performance Of Work Unit In Patient Safety In Indonesia: Linear Regression Analysis. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy (Sys Rev Pharm.), 12 (1). pp. 1185-1189. ISSN Print : 0975-8453, E-ISSN: 0976-2779
Wilona, Jessica Shirleen and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Ayuni, Ayuni (2020) Violent Crimes And Adverse Childhood Experiences In Young Offenders At Blitar Juvenile Detention Centre. Jurnal Psikologi, 19 (4). pp. 388-41. ISSN (online): 2302-1098
Kristianingsih, Sri Aryanti and Suryanto, Suryanto and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati (2020) Peran Lapas Dan Lapasustik Pada Residivis Narkoba Pengguna. Al-Daulah: Jurnal Hukum dan Perundangan Islam, 10 (1). pp. 114-138. ISSN (Cetak): 2089-0109; ISSN (Online): 2503-0922
Fajriah, Siti Nurul and Putra, Suhartono Taat and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Subarniati T, Rika (2020) Stress Perception and Stress Response against Internet Psychological Addiction (IPA) on Adolescents (Psychoneuroimmunology Approach). Medico Legal Update, 20 (1). pp. 494-499. ISSN Print : 0971-720X Online ISSN : 0973-1282
Fauziyah, Nailatin and Suryanto, Suryanto and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati (2019) Resiliensi Anak Yang Berkonflik Dengan Hukum: Refleksi Implementasi UU. No.11 Tahun 2012 Mengenai Proses Diversi. Al-Daulah: Jurnal Hukum dan Perundangan Islam, 9 (2). pp. 168-195. ISSN (Cetak): 2089-0109; ISSN (Online): 2503-0922
Nadatien, Ima and Handoyo, Seger and Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J. and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati (2019) The Influence of Organizational Pride on the Performance of Lecturers in Health at the Nahdlatul Ulama University in Surabaya. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (1). pp. 538-542. ISSN 0976-0245; Online ISSN : 0976-5506
Rahmawati, Mila and Nanik, Nanik and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati (2011) Leukemia and Its,Impacts on the Quality of Life of a Child: A Case Study. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, 26 (2). ISSN 0215 - 0158
Dianovinina, Ktut and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Rahaju, Soerjantini (2009) Penyusunan Alat Ukur Perkembangan Bahasa Reseptif Anak Usia 8-36 Bulan. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, 24 (4). pp. 365-376. ISSN 0215 - 0158
Kristianingsih, Sri Aryanti and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati (2022) Perempuan Dan Anak Dalam Pusaran Narkoba. In: Anak dan Perempuan dalam Lingkaran Narkoba: Kajian Psikologis dan hukum. Direktorat Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, pp. 1-36. ISBN 978-623-8038-02-2
Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Adiyanti, Maria G. (2021) The Indonesian Code Of Conduct. In: Handbook Of International Psychology Ethics: Codes and Commentary from Around the World. Routledge, New York, pp. 49-61. ISBN 978-0-367-37446-4
Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Hartanti, Hartanti and Srisiuni, Srisiuni and Rahaju, Soerjantini and Puteri, Winda (2016) Empowering Strategy For Child Prisoners In The Juvenile Detention Center (Jdc) And The Resocialization Center: Application And Evaluation Phase. In: The 2nd International Conference Of Psychology In Health, Social And Organizational (Icp-Hesos) Proceedings. Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, pp. 194-200. ISBN 97 8-602-71718-4-8
Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Wahyuningsih, Sri (2011) Psikologi Kesehatan dan Psikoneuroimunologi: Aplikasi pada Kasus Narkoba. In: Mengatasi Masalah Narkoba dengan Welas Asih. Jakarta, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, pp. 64-78. ISBN 978-979-22-7893-4
Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Sahetapy, Elfina Lebrine and Srisiuni, Srisiuni (2023) Implementation of Restorative Justice for Children Commit with Crime in the Stage of Constabulary. In: International Journal of Psychology Volume 58: 32nd International Congress of Psychology, 18-23 July 2021, Prague, Czech Republic (Virtual).
Triwidiyanti, Wiwik and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Pramadi, Andrian (2022) Stressor Dan Dukungan Sosial Pada Istri Prajurit TNI AL. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro, 29 Juni 2022, Semarang.
Triwidiyanti, Wiwik and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Pramadi, Andrian (2021) The Risk and Protective Factor in the Resilience Development of Indonesian Navy Soldier’s Wives. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Psychological Studies (ICPSYCHE 2020), October 20th - 21th, 2020, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Diponegoro.
Triwijati, N.K. Endah and Koesnoeljakin, Hendy Muagiri and Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Pudjirahardjo, Widodo J. (2021) The intention of Early Detection of Domestic Violence Victims by health care providers at Puskesmas. In: 1st International Conference On Gender, Culture and Society 2021, 30-31 Agustus 2021, Universitas Andalas Padang. (Unpublished)
Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Hartanti, Hartanti and Srisiuni, Srisiuni and Rahaju, Soerjantini (2016) Modul Pemberdayaan Psikologis Bagi Petugas Balai Pemasyarakatan. Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya.
Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Hartanti, Hartanti and Sugoto, Srisiuni and Rahaju, Soerjantini (2015) Modul Pemberdayaan Bagi Anak Didik di Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak. Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya.
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Rahayu, Yusti Probowati and Triwijati, N.K. Endah and Ayuni, Ayuni (2022) Modul Pengelolaan Dan Pendampingan Anak Berkonflik Dengan Hukum Di Shelter Rumah Hati. [Teaching Resource]