Sapei, Lanny and Mustika, Pra Cipta Buana Wahyu and Sutrisna, Putu Doddy and Agustriyanto, Rudy and Setyopratomo, Puguh and Santoso, Grace Vita and Utama, Justinus Putra and Indrawanto, Rochmad (2025) Inulin-coated Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) powder produced by spray drying. Applied Food Research, 5 (1). 100721/1-9. ISSN 2772-5022
Utama, Justinus Putra (2023) Desain Proyek Pembuatan Oleamida dari Asam Oleat dan Urea dengan Kapasitas 20.000 Ton/Tahun. [Undergraduate thesis]