Tarigan, Elieser (2020) Pengering Tenaga Surya dengan Sistem Bekap Tenaga Biomassa untuk Pengeringan Hasil Pertanian. Teknota: Jurnal Industri Teknologi Pertanian, 14 (1). pp. 31-36. ISSN 1978-1067 (Print); 2528-6286 (Online)
Tarigan, Elieser (2020) Rooftop PV System Policy and Implementation Study for a Household in Indonesia. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 10 (5). pp. 110-115. ISSN 2146-4553
Tarigan, Elieser (2020) Simulasi Optimasi Kapasitas Plts Atap Untuk Rumah Tangga Di Surabaya. Multitek Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmiah, 14 (1). pp. 13-22. ISSN 1907-6223 (print); 2579-3497 (Online)
Tarigan, Elieser (2020) Hybrid PV-T Solar Collector using Amorphous Type of Solar Cells for Solar Dryer. In: 2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), 22-23 July 2020, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Tarigan, Elieser (2020) Review of Solar Photovoltaic Android-Based Applications for Smartphone and Tablet. In: The 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and Industrial Technology (MECnIT 2020), 25 June 2020, Medan.
Tarigan, Elieser (2020) Technical, economic and environmental analysis of residential scale of the rooftop PV system in Surabaya, Indonesia. In: 2020 the 3rd Asia Conference on Energy and Electrical Engineering, 29-31 May 2020, Kualalumpur, Malaysia.
Tarigan, Elieser and Sapei, Lanny and Lie, Hwa (2020) Amorphous Solar Module for PV-T Collector for Solar Dryer. In: 2019 IEEE Conference on Sustainable Utilization and Development in Engineering and Technologies (CSUDET), 7-9 Nov. 2019, Penang, Malaysia.
Yosefhan, Ronald Alexander (2020) Perancangan Kontroler Pointing Antena Yagi Pada Frekuensi Radio Berbasis Mikrokontroler di Universitas Surabaya Tenggilis. [Undergraduate thesis]
Tarigan, Elieser (2020) Diktat Energi Terbarukan. [Teaching Resource]