Items where Division is "Department of Industrial Engineering" and Year is 2023

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 53.

Adiwinoto, Michael Evan and Parung, Joniarto (2023) Potential Analysis of 3D Printing Products in Surabaya. Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri, 25 (2). pp. 245-257. ISSN p-ISSN: 1411-5247 | e-ISSN: 2527-9408

Aldhama, Shofa Aulia and Kurniawan, Adji Candra and Rachmawati, Nur Layli and Novawanda, Olyvia (2023) Model of Consumer Switching Behavior Analysis Using PLS-SEM during Covid-19. In: 1st International Conference on Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline: Advanced Technology and Multidisciplinary Prospective Towards Bright Future, ICATAM 2021, 13-14 Oct 2021, Virtual, Online.

Alfarizi, Fickrie (2023) Studi Kelayakan Usaha Pendirian Coffee Thrift Shop di Surabaya Beserta Perancangan Strategi Pemasaran. [Undergraduate thesis]

Angstein, Nataniel Albert (2023) Perancangan Smart Contract untuk Web Rekomendasi Third Party Logistik. Masters thesis, University of Surabaya.

Ardianto, Yusuf (2023) Perancangan Strategi Bisnis dan Strategi Pemasaran untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Es Balok pada UD. Permata Es di Lamongan. [Undergraduate thesis]

Ardilla, Amanda Sandy and Hartono, Markus (2023) Framework of Service Quality Evaluation in Supply Chain Management Using Integration of SERVQUAL, Kano and QFD in Cigarette Company XYZ: A Literature Review. In: 13th International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management: AIP Conference Proceedings 2485, 28 July 2021, Bandung.

Bhetari, Luh Shavanya (2023) Penerapan Predictive Maintenance untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Produk Kemasan Berbahan Plastik di PT XYZ. [Undergraduate thesis]

Christanto, Ivan (2023) Perancangnan Lean Manufacturing untuk Mengurangi Waste pada Proses Produksi Tisu Compact Interfold di PT Sun Paper Source, Mojokerto. [Undergraduate thesis]

Christanto, Ivan (2023) Perancangnan Lean Manufacturing untuk Mengurangi Waste pada Proses Produksi Tisu Compact Interfold di PT Sun Paper Source, Mojokerto. [Undergraduate thesis]

Eriandani, Rizky and Andono, Fidelis Arastyo and Koan, Dianne Frisko and Girindratama, Muhammad Wisnu and Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi (2023) Bimbingan Teknis dan Pendampingan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan bagi Unit Usaha BUMDes Mitra Warga Desa Kesiman. International Journal of Community Service Learning, 7 (1). pp. 112-120. ISSN 2579-7166(Print); 2549-6417(Online)

Universitas Surabaya (2023) A Day Escape To LoreOmah. EC00202301171.

Evan, Michael and Parung, Joniarto (2023) Potential Analysis of 3D Printing Products in Surabaya. Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri (JSTI), 25 (2). pp. 245-257. ISSN 1411-5247; E-ISSN 2527-9408.

Gondo, Frederick Michael (2023) Perancangan Peningkatan Loyalitas Konsumen Smartphone Samsung Kelas Mid Range dengan Metode Markov Chain and Quality Function Deployment (QFD). [Undergraduate thesis]

Gunawan, Gunawan (2023) Driving Growth in Village Industries: Exploring Effective Financing Facilities for Micro and Small Enterprises. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering 2023 (InCITE 2023), 14-15 September 2023, Yogyakarta.

Gunawan, Gunawan and Thi, Lip Sam (2023) Exploring the Association between Mobility Fluctuations and Socioeconomic Indicators Using Data Mining Techniques in Indonesia and Malaysia. DIU Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 16 (1). pp. 79-105. ISSN 2664-3421

Handono, Holly (2023) Studi Kelayakan Pendirian Custom Mechanical Keyboard Store di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Hartono, Markus (2023) Affective-based Human Factors Design: Design Thinking & Sustainability Approach. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering 2023 (InCITE 2023), 14-15 September 2023, Yogyakarta.

Hartono, Markus and Jaya, Brian Kurniawan and Prianka, Dian and Parung, Christabel Annora Paramita and Viviany, Viviany (2023) Awareness of 3D Body-Scanning and Prospective Update of Indonesian Anthropometry for Virtual Fashion Design. J@ti Undip: Jurnal Teknik Industri, 18 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2502-1516

Hartono, Markus and Prayogo, Dina Natalia and Ronyastra, I Made and Baredwan, Abdullah (2023) Kansei engineering with online review mining methodology for robust service design. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. ISSN 1463-922X; E-ISSN: 1464-536X

Hendrawan, Ryan (2023) Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan dengan Melalui Integrasi Metode Logistic Servqual, Kano, dan QFD pada Distributor Buah Impor dan Lokal Godong Seger Abadi Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Herowati, Evy and Parung, Joniarto and Limantara, Sharon and Wahyudi, Rahman Dwi and Ronyastra, I Made (2023) A Self-Assessment Model for Measuring the Fitness Level of Industrial Engineering Graduates Competence to a Quality Control Job Position. In: Proceedings Of The 4th International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development 2021, AIP Conference Procedings Volume 2828 Issue 1, 13 Desember 2021, Jogjakarta.

Indarto, Muhammad Yoga Putra (2023) Perbaikan Sistem Manajemen dan Tata Letak Gudang di Bonchel Petshop Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Irawan, Fellychita Cindy (2023) Perancangan Usulan Pengendalian Risiko dalam Identifikasi Potensi Bahaya Penambang Belerang PT. Candi Ngrimbi Banyuwangi dengan Metode Job Safety Analysis dan Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control. [Undergraduate thesis]

Iswadi, Hazrul and Santosa, Mamik and Ramdhanny, Rizal Ahmad (2023) Pembuatan Kompos - Untuk Optimalisasi Bank Sampah Desa Kedungudi. Direktorat Penerbitan & Publikasi Ilmiah, Surabaya. ISBN 978-623-8083-32-9

Kharisma, Donna and Hartono, Markus (2023) Warehouse Safety in Order Picking. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering 2023 (InCITE 2023), 14-15 September 2023, Yogyakarta.

Kusumo, Argo Hadi (2023) Has Website Design using Website Builder Fulfilled Usability Aspects? A Study Case of Three Website Builders. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering 2023 (InCITE 2023), 14-15 September 2023, Yogyakarta.

Lianto, Benny (2023) Entrepreuneurial University: The Race is On. In: The Race is On: Bagaimana ‘Momen Magis’ Teknologi dan Generasi Tech-Savvy Memaksa Pendidikan Tinggi Berubah. Direktorat Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, pp. 22-39. ISBN 978-623-8038-14-5

Lianto, Benny (2023) Identifying Key Assessment Factors for a Company’s Innovation Capability Based on Intellectual Capital: An Application of the Fuzzy Delphi Method. Sustainability, 15 (7). 6001/1-21. ISSN 2071-1050

Maulana, Naufal Rizky (2023) Perbaikan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Dengan Pendekatan Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment And Risk Control (HIRARC) dan Job Safety Analysis (JSA) di PT. Berkah Industri Mesin Angkat. [Undergraduate thesis]

Merryana, Cornelia Shandy (2023) Penerapan Predictive Maintenance pada Mesin Injection Molding untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Produk Kemasan Plastik di PT. XYZ. [Undergraduate thesis]

Mujib, Farkhatul Aisy (2023) Perancangan Strategi Pemasaran pada Usaha Pembuatan Mebel UD. Jaya Nata Abadi Benjeng, Gresik. [Undergraduate thesis]

Novawanda, Olyvia and Suharjono, Clifton and Sentosa, Leonardy (2023) Penentuan Rute Optimal dan Alokasi Kendaraan dalam Pendistribusian Beras di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. INVENTORY: Industrial Vocational E-Journal On Agroindustry, 4 (1). pp. 40-46. ISSN 2723-1895

Nurlatifah, Iffa and Trisnawati, Juliani Dyah (2023) Virtual vs. Physical Office: Which One Increases Productivity the Most? In: Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2023), 15-16 March 2023, Bangkok, Thailand.

Restiti, Dewa Ayu Putri Dewi (2023) Analisis K3 dan Rancangan Perbaikannya dengan Metode HIRARC dan HAZOPS Untuk Karyawan di Bunker PT Enelog Semesta Andal Benoa Bali. [Undergraduate thesis]

Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi and Koan, Dianne Frisko and Kusuma, Patricia Dewi and Saputra, Jesslyn Elaine (2023) The Identification and Categorization of Sustainability Practices in Higher Education: Case Study in University of Surabaya, Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2023), 15-16 Maret 2023, Bangkok, Thailand (In Person & Hybrid).

Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi and Kusumo, Argo Hadi (2023) Clustering of business strategies among Indonesian manufacturing firms. International Journal of Communication and Society, 5 (1). pp. 38-48. ISSN 2684-9267

Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi and Priska, Cindy Avelin and Gunawan, Gunawan (2023) Consumers Mapping and Green Marketing Design For Products With Reusable Packaging. In: Konferensi Nasional Riset Manajemen XII, 3-5 Oktober 2023, Kampus Unika Soegijapranata, Semarang. (Submitted)

Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi and Priska, Cindy Avelin and Gunawan, Gunawan (2023) Consumers Mapping and Green Marketing Design for Products with Reusable Packaging. Journal of Management and Business Review, 20 (3). pp. 311-331. ISSN 1829-8176; E-ISSN 2503-0736

Ronyastra, I Made and Huat, Saw Lip and Siang, Low Foon (2023) A review of methods for integrating risk management and multicriteria decision analysis in financial feasibility for post-coal-mining land usage selection. Resources Policy, 86 (Part B). p. 104260. ISSN 0301-4207

Rosiawan, Muhammad and Trisnawati, Juliani Dyah (2023) Implementation Of Risk Management For Outcome-Based Learning. Jurnal Eduscience (JES), 10 (2). pp. 497-508. ISSN 2303-355x; e-ISSN 2685-2217

Saputro, Achmad Fauzi Bagus (2023) Desain dan Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 di UKM Tenun Ikat Medali Mas Kediri. [Undergraduate thesis]

Sari, Josephine Permata and Parung, Joniarto (2023) Designing Smart Contracts on Insurance Claims to Support The Supply Chain Performance. In: The 4th International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering 2023 (InCITE 2023), September 14th-15th, 2023, Yogyakarta. (Submitted)

Sari, Yenny and Santoso, Amelia and Pangestu, Nadia Angelina Putri (2023) The Adoption of the Response Surface Methodology within the DMAIC Process to Achieve Optimal Solutions in Reducing Product Defect. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering 2023 (InCITE 2023), 14-15 September 2023, Yogyakarta.

Setiawan, Christopher Hendra and Santoso, Amelia and Parung, Joniarto (2023) Smart logistic for sustainable cities. JENIUS: Jurnal Terapan Teknik Industri, 4 (2). pp. 167-181. ISSN 2722-3469; E-ISSN 2722-4740

Singgih, Ivan Kristianto and Ibrahim, Christian Yavin and Soegiharto, Stefanus and Novawanda, Olyvia (2023) Electric Vehicle Charging Allocation Considering Electricity Price Fluctuation. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering 2023 (InCITE 2023), 14-15 September 2023, Yogyakarta.

Singgih, Ivan Kristianto and Phan, Mai-Ha and Hapsari, Indri (2023) Remarshaling in A Bin-to-Person-based Smart Automated Warehouse. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering 2023 (InCITE 2023), 14-15 September 2023, Yogyakarta.

Singgih, Ivan Kristianto and Soegiharto, Stefanus (2023) Predicting Job Waiting Times in A Stochastic Scheduling Environment Using Simulation and Regression Machine Learning Models. In: Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, 10-13 Dec. 2023, San Antonio, Texas. (Submitted)

Tanjung, Shearly Christina and Wibisono, Eric and Prayogo, Dina Natalia (2023) Robust Multi-Objective Optimization Model for the Integration of Blood Production and Distribution Planning. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri, 22 (1). pp. 101-112. ISSN 1412-6869; E-ISSN 2460-4038

Taolin, Dionisius Indra (2023) Studi Kelayakan Pendirian Pabrik Mebel di Kecamatan IO Kufeu, Kabupaten Malaka, NTT. [Undergraduate thesis]

Wahyudi, Rahman Dwi and Singgih, Moses Laksono and Suef, Mokh (2023) Designing Activity-based Monitoring as alternative process-based evaluation for Product-Service Systems. In: International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering (MSIE 2023), 27-29 April 2023, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Wibisono, Eric (2023) Relevansi Kurikulum: Jungkir Balik Ala Jon atau Duduk Manis ala Bran? In: The Race is On: Bagaimana ‘Momen Magis’ Teknologi dan Generasi Tech-Savvy Memaksa Pendidikan Tinggi Berubah. Direktorat Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, pp. 88-103. ISBN 978-623-8038-14-5

Wibisono, Eric and Singgih, Ivan Kristianto and Hapsari, Indri (2023) Pengambilan Keputusan Multikriteria: Teori dan Aplikasi. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-376-263-2

Wibisono, Eric and Tiro, Natashya Suryani and Prayogo, Dina Natalia (2023) A Proposed Metaheuristic for Solving Multi-Objective Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows. Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences (SFS), 10 (2S). pp. 2696-2704. ISSN 2368-7487

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 11:40:38 2025 WIB.