Items where Division is "Department of Industrial Engineering" and Year is 2024

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 39.

Abednego, Michael (2024) Implementasi Metode Lean dan Workload Analysis untuk Meminimasi Pemborosan (Muda, Mura dan Muri) di Lini Produksi PT X Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Afif, Difa Frizadilla (2024) Peningkatan Kepuasan Pelanggan Berdasarkan Integrasi Menggunakan Metode Customer Satisfaction Index (csi), Importance Performance Analysis (ipa) dan Quality Function Deployment (qfd) ( Studi Kasus Ubaya Medical Center). [Undergraduate thesis]

Angstein, Nataniel Albert and Parung, Joniarto (2024) The use of smart contracts for third-party comparison web logistics. In: Proceedings Of The Transdisciplinary Symposium On Engineering And Technology (TSET) 2022: Development of Digital and Green Technology on Post Pandemic Era, 21 September 2022, Yogyakarta.

Citra, Yolan Glorya (2024) Penerapan Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik (cpotb) Berdasarkan Persyaratan Bpom No 25 Tahun 2021 di CV dari Teman Sejati di Mojokerto. [Undergraduate thesis]

Gilrandy, Jovian (2024) Perancangan Aplikasi untuk Periodic Checking Maintenance Fasilitas di bawah Pengelolaan Direktorat Layanan Umum UBAYA dengan Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking. [Undergraduate thesis]

Gunawan, Gunawan (2024) Data Analytics Dalam Analisis Data Resmi. In: Keberlanjutan Organisasi: Pendekatan Kontemporer Dalam Teknik Industri. Direktorat Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, pp. 117-130. ISBN 978-623-8038-46-6

Gunawan, Gunawan (2024) Disaster Event, Preparedness, and Response in Indonesian Coastal Areas: Data Mining of Official Statistics. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 16 (1). pp. 249-264. ISSN 2210-142X

Gunawan, Gunawan and Dewi, Ardhia Deasy Rosita and Zunairoh, Zunairoh and Batutah, Moh. Arif (2024) Diversifikasi Produk Unggulan Daerah dengan Pengembangan Produksi Tepung Ubi Jalar Pada IKM di Kabupaten Mojokerto. In: Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, 23-24 Oktober 2024, Yogyakarta.

Hadiyat, Mochammad Arbi and Sopha, Bertha Maya and Wibowo, Budhi Sholeh (2024) A Framework For Observational Data-Based Response Surface Methodology. JEMIS (Journal of Engineering & Management in Industrial System), 12 (2). pp. 87-97. ISSN 2338-3925, E-ISSN 2477-6025

Hapsari, Indri (2024) Cluster-specific Bi-LSTM models for improved pharmaceutical sales forecasting. Journal Industrial Servicess (JISS), 10 (2). pp. 259-270. ISSN 2461-0623

Hartono, Markus and Ronyastra, I Made and Baredwan, Abdullah and Fajrin, Tania Aisyah (2024) Kansei Engineering Mining For Service Quality Design Konsep & Studi Kasus. [Copyright]

Hartono, Markus and Ronyastra, I Made and Baredwan, Abdullah and Fajrin, Tania Aisyah (2024) Kansei Engineering Mining for Service Quality Design: Konsep & Studi Kasus. Direktorat Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya. ISBN 978-623-8038-51-0

Hasan, Alfarrel Daffa and Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi and Arlianto, Jerry Agus (2024) Digital Marketing Design for Strengthening The Fashion Industry: A Case Study at an Indonesian Fashion Business. In: Proceedings of the 2023 Brawijaya International Conference (BIC 2023), 19-20 October 2023, Lombok, Indonesia (Hybrid).

Ibrahim, Christian Yavin (2024) Pengembangan Model Optimasi untuk Meminimumkan Jumlah Gate yang Dibuka dengan Mempertimbangkan Status Kedatangan Truck pada Warehouse PT. X. [Undergraduate thesis]

Ibrahim, Muhammad Hanif (2024) Perancangan Strategi Marketing Berdasar Analisis Marketing Mix 7p Pada Cafe Pukul Satu Kopi. [Undergraduate thesis]

Kharisma, Donna and Hartono, Markus (2024) Designing Order Picking System Efficiency by Combining Four Planning Problems and its Influence on Picker Blocking with RFID. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 18 - 21 December 2023, Singapore.

Kusnanda, Zakaria (2024) Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu Iso 9001:2015 Pada Perusahaan Dagang Suku Cadang Mobil di PT Xyz. [Undergraduate thesis]

Layunwira, Leonardo Dicaprio (2024) Perancangan Strategi Perbaikan Untuk Meningkatkan Loyalitas Konsumen Smartphone Xiaomi kelas Mid Range dengan Metode Markov Chain and Quality Function Deployment (QFD). [Undergraduate thesis]

Martin, Iris and Wibisono, Eric (2024) A Proposed Taxonomy for Literature Review in Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problems. In: Proceedings Of The 8th International Conference On Engineering, Technology, And Industrial Applications 2021 (8th ICETIA 2021): Engineering, Environment, and Health: Exploring the Opportunities for the Future, 15-16 December 2021, Surakarta.

Mulyongo, Kevin Prayogo (2024) Perancangan Penilaian Dan Upaya Peningkatan Kinerja Keberlanjutan Dengan Mempertimbangkan Lean Manufacturing Pada Segmen 1160 Di Pt Xyz. [Undergraduate thesis]

Noel, Jesslyne Chenia (2024) Pengaruh Parameter Proses Bubut Terhadap Laju Pembuangan Material dan Kekasaran Permukaan pada Dry Machining Baja AISI 1045. [Undergraduate thesis]

Novawanda, Olyvia and Indah, Andi Besse Riyani (2024) A Dual-Channel Supply Chain Structure Analysis Of Consumer Behavior In Shopping Channel Preferences. Tekmapro: Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 19 (2). pp. 284-291. ISSN 1907-5146; e-ISSN 2656-6109

Parung, Joniarto and Gunawan, Gunawan and Pah, Nemuel Daniel and Santoso, Amelia and Arlianto, Jerry Agus and Hapsari, Indri and Novawanda, Olyvia (2024) Desain Smart Tourism untuk Merespon Kemampuan Literasi Digital Wisatawan di Kecamatan Trawas, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur. Panrita Abdi : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, 7 (2). pp. 510-517. ISSN 2580-3786

Parung, Joniarto and Ikawaty, Risma and Jimmy, Jimmy (2024) Penggunaan Virtual Reality Untuk Melatih Pemandu Wisata Gunung Menangani Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan Di Atas Gunung. Jurnal Abdi Insani, 11 (4). pp. 1683-1690. ISSN 2828-4321; E-ISSN 2828-3155

Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi (2024) Identifikasi Faktor Implementasi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Untuk Mencapai Keberlanjutan. In: Keberlanjutan Organisasi: Pendekatan Kontemporer Dalam Teknik Industri. Direktorat Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya, pp. 73-92. ISBN 978-623-8038-47-3 (PDF)

Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi (2024) Preparing The Future Generation for Sustainability. In: DAAD Alumni Workshop with Forum Group Discussion on Mangkunegaran and Sustainable Social Transformation, March 4-5, 2024, Puro Mangkunegaran, Surakarta.

Ronyastra, I Made and Saw, Lip Huat and Low, Foon Siang (2024) Monte Carlo simulation-based financial risk identification for industrial estate as post-mining land usage in Indonesia. Resources Policy, 89. p. 104639. ISSN 0301-4207

Ronyastra, I Made and Saw, Lip Huat and Low, Foon Siang (2024) Techno-economic analysis with financial risk identification for solar power plant as post-mining land use in Indonesia. Energy for Sustainable Development, 80. 101462/1-11. ISSN 0973-0826; E-ISSN 2352-4669

Rusman, Raditya Aufa and Surjani, Rosita Meitha and Parung, Joniarto and Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi (2024) Needs Identification for Hospital Digital Marketing Design: How Deep Is Your Empathy? In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Management (Volume 21, 2024), 15-16 May 2024, Universitas Surabaya.

Salsabila, Salsabila and Kusumo, Argo Hadi and Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi (2024) Designing The Business Strategy For PT XYZ: A Company Specializing In Health Insurance Services In Sidoarjo, East Java. In: Proceedings Of The International Conference On Strengthening Capacities Of Multi-Sectors Toward Sustainable Development, April 27th, 2024, Dwijendra University.

Singgih, Ivan Kristianto and Ibrahim, Christian Yavin and Soegiharto, Stefanus and Novawanda, Olyvia and Yahya, Bernardo Nugroho (2024) Electric Vehicle Recharging Allocation Problem with Electricity Price Fluctuation using Decomposition Approach. Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 23 (4). pp. 494-504. ISSN 1598-7248; EISSN 2234-6473

Singgih, Ivan Kristianto and Singgih, Moses Laksono (2024) Regression Machine Learning Models for the Short-Time Prediction of Genetic Algorithm Results in a Vehicle Routing Problem. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 15 (7). 308/1-15. ISSN 2032-6653

Singgih, Moses Laksono and Singgih, Ivan Kristianto (2024) Rekayasa Produktivitas Manufaktur. PT. ITS Tekno Sains, i-219. ISBN 978-623-88856-1-9

Steven, Andrew Harold (2024) Perancangan Website E-Learning untuk Pelatihan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001 pada PT Merdeka Berkarya Utama. [Undergraduate thesis]

Sugianto, Charles and Hartono, Markus and Sari, Yenny (2024) Integrating SEM, Markov Chain, and TRIZ in Customer Loyalty Management and Enhancement (A Case Study in the Bina Mitra Sejahtera Cooperative Probolinggo, East Java). In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Management (Volume 21, 2024), 15-16 May 2024, Universitas Surabaya.

Susanto, Velicia Oktaviani and Parung, Joniarto (2024) Blockchain technology in wood raw material supply chain management – A bibliometric analysis and review. In: Proceedings Of The Transdisciplinary Symposium On Engineering And Technology (TSET) 2022: Development of Digital and Green Technology on Post Pandemic Era, Yogyakarta, 21 September 2022.

Sutomo, Clinton (2024) Implementasi Metodologi Six Sigma untuk Reduksi Cacat Produk Hasil Percetakan di PT X. [Undergraduate thesis]

Sutrisno, Evan (2024) Perancangan Penjadwalan Produksi untuk Meminimumkan Jumlah Job yang Terlambat di PT. X. [Undergraduate thesis]

Widjaja, Albertus Hendrawan and Gunawan, Gunawan (2024) The Design of IoT-based Business Process for SME Digital Transformation: A Case of Unofficial Car Service Workshop. Journal of Applied Data Sciences, 5 (2). pp. 698-711. ISSN 2723-6471

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 11:38:45 2025 WIB.