Items where Subject is "LB2300 Higher Education"

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Number of items at this level: 21.


Arlianto, Jeri Agus (2002) PERANCANGAN MODUL PRAKTIKUM REACTION TIME BERBASIS KOMPUTER. In: Prosiding Kongres Nasional XI dan Seminar Ilmiah XIII Ikatan Ahli Ilmu Faal Indonesia dan International Seminar on Ergonomics and Sport Physiology 14-17 Oktober 2002. Udayana University Press, Denpasar, pp. 393-399. ISBN 979-8286-54-5

Armanto, Rachmad Poedyo (2024) Maksimalkan Keterlibatan Diri Dalam Problem Based Learning (PBL) Agar Mudah Dalam Menempuh Ujian Student Oral Case (SOCA) Dan UKMPPD. Direktorat Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. ISBN 9786238038381


Bona, Claudius (2010) Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Memilih Politeknik Ubaya. Jurnal Ilmiah Sosial dan Humaniora, 4 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0216-1532


Datu, Yerly Arnold (2013) Using Students’ Authentic Writings to Teach an Apprenticeship Report. Beyond Words, 1 (1). pp. 89-110. ISSN 2338-6339

Datu, Yerly Arnold (2015) Pronunciation Errors Produced by Preschool Teachers. In: 11th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching English: Building Skills for Regional Cooperation and Mobility , 27 February 2015, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.




Hartanto, Budi and Reye, Jim (2019) Anchored instruction ITS: a novel approach to make learning programming interesting and effective. International Conference on Informatics, Technology and Engineering, 703 (012048). pp. 1-6.

Haryono, Aloysia Karina (2023) It is Not That Bad: Andragogi dalam Psikologi Humanistik untuk Memahami Praktek Pendidikan Magister Universitas X Indonesia. Psychopreneur Journal, 7 (1). pp. 46-57. ISSN 2598-649X ; e-ISSN 2598-6503


Irawati, Sylvi and Hadisaputro, Dewi P. (2011) Pharmacy Students Learning Styles and Preferences toward Teaching Methods in Learning Pharmaceutical Care Concept. In: The 5th Conference of Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy, 16-17 Juni 2011, Bandung.

Irawati, Sylvi and Herawati, Fauna and Presley, Bobby (2011) Case-based learning and lecture in Clinical Pharmacy course seemed effective in achieving students’ learning objectives. In: The First International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences , 29 November - 1 Desember 2011., Purwokerto.


Lie, Hwa and Suseno, Natalia and Fatmawati, Akbarningrum and Edrika, Ivonne (2008) Dinamika Kelompok Pembelajaran Kooperatif pada Kuliah Termodinamika I. In: Seminar Nasional Fundamental dan Aplikasi Teknik Kimia. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember , Surabaya.


Nurnindyah, Dewi and Pramadi, Andrian and Pandjaitan, Lena Nessyana (2023) Teachers’ Motivational Support, Academic Self-Efficacy and Academic Motivation: The SEM investigation of Naval Cadets’ Engagement. Journal Of Educational, Health, Community Psychology, 12 (4). pp. 792-820. ISSN 2088-3129; E-ISSN 2460-8467


Rachmasari, Devi (2013) Cooperative-classroom Activities to Improve Students’ Comprehension in Language Acquisition. Jurnal Ilmiah Sosial dan Humaniora, 7 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 0216-1532

Rosiawan, Muhammad (2022) Implementing Outcome-Based Education in Accordance with ISO 21001 Requirements. Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022). pp. 1067-1077. ISSN 2352-5428

Rosiawan, Muhammad and Trisnawati, Juliani Dyah (2022) Penerapan SNI ISO 21001:2018 di Perguruan Tinggi. Direktorat Penerbitan & Publikasi Ilmiah - Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia. ISBN 978-623-6373-95-8


Suciadi, Marcellinus Ferdinand and Lisana, Lisana and Ramadhan, Febrianto (2019) Virtual reality app on Milky Way solar system, case study: Kebraon II Public Elementary School, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. In: Informatics, Technology And Engineering International Conference 2019 (Incite 2019), 22-23 August 2019, Bali, Indonesia.


Trisnawati, Juliani Dyah and Rosiawan, Muhammad (2022) Incorporation of ISO 21001 and National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Criteria in Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022), 19-20 May 2022, Bali, Indonesia.


Wibisono, Eric (1999) Tinjauan atas paradigma kualitas dalam pendidikan tinggi Indonesia. Unitas, 7 (2). pp. 72-82. ISSN 0854-3097

Widyasari, Permata Ayu (2022) The Relativism of Ethical Dilemma Decision Making: The Use of Social Media for Pre-employment Background Check. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022), 19-20 May 2022, Surabaya, Indonesia (Offline).

Widyasari, Permata Ayu (2020) Roleplay “Conflict of Interest and Common Good”: Business Ethic Teaching Method for Future Leader. Advances In Natural And Applied Sciences, 14 (1). pp. 160-167. ISSN 1995-0772

Wirawan, Adhicipta Raharja (2017) Konsep Perancangan Board Game Cupcake Factory untuk Pembelajaran Sistem Informasi Akuntansi. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SEMNAS PPM 2017). (In Press)

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