Dianovinina, Ktut and Surjaningrum, Endang Retno and Wulandari, Primatia Yogi (2024) Adaptation and validation of the children’s cognitive triad inventory for Indonesian students. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 13 (3). pp. 1356-1362. ISSN 2252-8822. , e-ISSN: 2620-5440
Dianovinina, Ktut and Surjaningrum, Endang Retno and Wulandari, Primatia Yogi (2023) Specific coping behaviours related to depression in adolescents with a divorced parent. International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 12 (3). pp. 1337-1345. ISSN 2252-8806, e-ISSN 2620-4126
Dianovinina, Ktut and Surjaningrum, Endang Retno and Wulandari, Primatia Yogi (2023) Stressful life events among depressed adolescents after parental divorce (Kejadian Hidup Yang Menekan Bagi Remaja Yang Memiliki Gejala Depresi Pasca Perceraian Orang Tua). Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat: Indonesian Journal of Indigenous Psychology (JPU), 10 (1). pp. 151-166. ISSN 2088-4230; e-ISSN 2580-1228
Dianovinina, Ktut and Surjaningrum, Endang Retno (2023) Psychosocial Factors Related To Adolescent Depressive Symptom: Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 12 (1). pp. 417-426. ISSN 2252-8806, e-ISSN 2620-4126