Susanto, Felicia and Soeherman, Bonnie (2019) Rancangan Konseptual Gamifikasi Untuk Mengatasi Masalah Turnover Karyawan dan Keterlibatan Karyawan di Restoran Adelia Cafe ‘N Resto. In: Seminar Nasional Manajemen dan Call Paper (SENIMA 4), 5 Oktober 2019, Hotel Ibis Styles Jln. Jemursari, Surabaya. (Submitted)
Susanto, Felicia (2019) Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Attitude Towards Halal Cosmetic Products dan Purchase Intention Wanita Muslim di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]
Susanto, Felicia (2016) The Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction on Intention to Complain at Online Shopping. [Undergraduate thesis]
Susanto, Felicia (2019) The Conceptual Design of Gamification to Overcome The Problems of Employee Turnover and Employee Engagement in Adelia Cafe ‘N Resto. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (Unpublished)