Items where Author is "Pantjajani, Tjandra"

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Number of items: 22.


Wijaya, Jessica and Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Bernard, Jane Erika and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Sukweenadhi, Johan (2023) Pengaruh penambahan tepung ampas kedelai terhadap sifat fisikokimia dan sensori kukis kacang rendah gluten tinggi serat dan protein. Agrointek: Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 17 (2). ISSN 2527-5410

Wijaya, Jessica and Farida, Anna Nur and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti (2023) Pengaruh Suhu Perendaman dalam Larutan NaCl dan Ketebalan Chips Umbi Gembili (Dioscorea esculenta. L) sebagai Sumber Karbohidrat. Jurnal Yudharta, 14 (1). ISSN 2087-9679, e-ISSN: 2597-436X

Chrisnasari, Ruth and Sutanto, Liony Priscilla and Paulina, Dian and Wahjudi, Alicia and Pantjajani, Tjandra (2023) Thermostable Chitinase Producing Bacterium from Ijen Hot Spring – Indonesia: Isolation, Identification, and Characterization. E3S Web of Conferences, Volume 374, The 3rd International Conference on Natural Resources and Life Sciences (NRLS) 2020, 374 (00032). ISSN 2267-1242

Kusumastuti, Benedicta Ratih and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Kusumawardhany, Prita Ayu and Widjaja, M.E. Lanny Kusuma and Iswadi, Hazrul and Dewi, Ardhia Deasy Rosita (2022) Faktor Penting Preferensi Konsumen Pada Water Kefir Teh Ashitaba. Media Pharmaceutica Indonesiana, 4 (1). pp. 44-55. ISSN 1411-8734

Natalie, Karina and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Dewi, Ardhia Deasy Rosita and Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti (2022) Karakterisasi fisikokimia dan functional properties tepung kulit buah jeruk bali (Citrus maxima) dan tepung kulit buah nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus). Teknologi Pangan: Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Ilmiah Teknologi Pertanian, 13 (1). pp. 44-53. ISSN 2597-436X

Askitosari, Theresia Desy and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Nathania, Stephanie and Wahyudi, Amelia Fedoragnes and Sugianto, Nancy Christina (2021) Identification of Entomopathogenic Nematode-Associated Bacteria Originating from Mojokerto. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 5 (1). pp. 31-38. ISSN 2581-0014

Chrisnasari, Ruth and Sudono, Chriselda Catya and Utami, Maria Rosari Dwi and Dewi, Ardhia Deasy Rosita and Pantjajani, Tjandra (2019) The Proximate and Phytochemical Properties of Red Pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Stem Flour and Its Potential Application as Food Products. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 42 (3). pp. 903-920. ISSN 1511-3701. E-ISSN: 2231-8542

Chrisnasari, Ruth and Yasaputera, Steven and Christianto, Pauline and Santoso, Veronika lvone and Pantjajani, Tjandra (2016) Production and Characterization of Chitinases from Thermophilic Bacteria Isolated from Prataan Hot Spring, East Java. Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences, 48 (2). pp. 149-163.

Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Askitosari, Theresia Desy and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Wijoyo, Andreas L. (2015) Variation of Rice Husk, Corn Husk and Corn Hump Ratio as Alternative Growth Media for Pleurotus osteatus (White Oyster Mushroom). Proceeding 1st International Seminar on Natural Resources Biotechnology : From Local to Global. pp. 280-284. ISSN 2460-8238

Chrisnasari, Ruth and Rasubala, Irene and Pantjajani, Tjandra (2014) Aplikasi Kultur Sel Terimobilisasi pada pembuatan Yoghurt serta Uji Ketahanan Pada PH Asam dan Garam Bile. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains & Teknologi, 8 (1). ISSN 0216-1540


Chrisnasari, Ruth and Susetyo, Damiati Hartini and Sugianto, Adrian Pratama and Pantjajani, Tjandra (2013) Optimization Modeling of Ethanol Production from Shorgum bicolor grain: Comparison between Separate Hydrolysis Fermentation and Simultaneous Saccharification Fermentation. Journal Microbiology Indonesia, 7 (1). pp. 9-16. ISSN 1978 - 3477

Book Section

Tanjaya, Johnsen and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Goeltom, Mangihot Tua (2014) Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri Resisten Logam Berat Kadmium. In: Prosiding SNB 2014 Biotechnological Approaches to Blue Economy Implementation. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-14714-2-5

Yasaputera, Steven and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Chrisnasari, Ruth (2014) Isolasi dan Identifikasi Mikroorganisme Penghasil Enzim Kitinase Termofil pada Permandian Air Panas Prataan, Tuban. In: PROSIDING SNB 2014 : Biotechnological Approaches to Blue Economy Implementation. Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya Press), Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-14714-2-5

Pantjajani, Tjandra and Goeltom, Mangihot Tua (2014) Produksi Biogas Menggunakan Substrat Limbab. In: Prosiding SNB 2014 Biotechnological Approaches to Blue Economy Implementation. Universitas Surabaya, surabaya. ISBN 979-602-14714-2-5


Pantjajani, Tjandra and Chrisnasari, Ruth (2014) Eksplorasi Mikroorganisme Termofilik Penghasil Enzim Kitinase dari Sumber Air Panas Prataan-Tuban serta Produksi Enzim Kitinase yang Dihasilkannya. Project Report. Fakultas Teknobiologi Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Askitosari, Theresia Desy (2014) HOUSE OF MUSHROOMS SEBAGAI WAHANA !NOVAS! DAN PENGEMBANGAN JAMUR EDIBEL SERTA PRODUK OLAHANNYA BAGI PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT TRAWAS-MOJOKERTO DAN SEKITARNYA. Technical Report. Fakultas Teknobiologi Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya.

Conference or Workshop Item

Jayanthi, Nalista and Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Chrisnasari, Ruth and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Wahjudi, A. and Sugiarto, M. (2018) Characterization of thermostable chitinase from Bacillus licheniformis B2. In: The 2nd International Conference on Natural Resources and Life Sciences (NRLS-2018), 23–24 August 2018, Ibis Styles Hotel, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Raharjo, Dian Natasya and Wahjudi, Mariana and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Hoeij, Eveline and Meilyana, Meilyana and Debora, Febe and Puspita, Henny (2016) Antibiotic Sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from hospitalized patients in Surabaya Indonesia. In: The 8th International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (8th ISISM) 2016, 11-12 Agustus 2016, Jakarta.

Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Askitosari, Theresia Desy and Chandra, Vincent Prasetya (2015) The Use of Bagasse and Rice Straw as Alternative Growth Media for White Oyster Mushroom. In: The 1th Almuslim International Conference on Science, Technology and Society (AICSTS) 2015, 7 - 8 November 2015, Universitas Almuslim, Matangglumpangdua, Peusangan, Kabupaten Bireuen Provinsi Aceh-Indonesia,.

Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Askitosari, Theresia Desy and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Wijoyo, Andreas L. (2015) Variation of Rice Husk, Corn Husk and Corn Hump Ratio as Alternative Growth Media for Pleurotusosteatus (White Oyster Mushroom). In: International Seminar “Natural Resources Biotechnology : From Local to Global”, 8-9 September 2015, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta.

Raharjo, Dian Natasya and Pantjajani, Tjandra and Kristin, A. (2013) Effect Of Antibiotic In Peptic Ulcer Therapy Against Lactobacillus Sp. Isolated From Fermented Milk Product: In Vitro Study. In: The 3rd International Conference on Pharmacy and Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICPAPS 2013), 18-19 Juni 2013, Yogyakarta.

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