Items where Author is "Pratono, Aluisius Hery "

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Number of items: 98.


Johansen, Natasha and Ariani, Mintarti and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2024) Linking Fishery to Deforestation Case Study in Indonesia. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 5 (4). pp. 3227-3244. ISSN 2715-7903; E-ISSN 2715-789X

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Santoso, Amelia and Nadres, Ramon Eguina and Roida, Herlina Yoka and Simon, Untara and Padilla, Miguel Angel and Krisjanti, Mahestu Noviandra and Harsono, Harsono (2024) Special issue of the asian journal of business ethics on global survey of business ethics (GSBE) reports 2022–2024 from Asia, Australia and Russia–Indonesia. Asian Journal of Business Ethics. ISSN 2210-6723; E-ISSN 2210-6731

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2024) Multiple flexible suppliers and competitive advantage during market turbulence: the role of digital capabilities. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 37 (2). pp. 437-455. ISSN 1741-0398

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Nawangpalupi, Catharina Badra and Sutanti, Ari (2023) Achieving sustainable development goals through digitalising creative works: some evidence from social enterprises in Indonesia. Digital Economy and Sustainable Development volume, 1 (1). 11/1-13. ISSN 2731-9423

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Budiarto, Bambang and Djuwari, Djuwari and Djoemadi, Firman Rosjadi and Setyaningrum, Idfi and Radjamin, Irzameingindra Putri and Sundari, Hj. Made Siti and Ariani, Mintarti and Hariadi, Sugeng and Solekha, Rofiatun (2023) Establishing A Greenhouse For Melon Cultivation: A Community Service Program To A Farmer Group In Lamongan Jawa Timur. SWAGATI: Journal of Community Service, 1 (3). pp. 151-156. ISSN 2986-7940; E-ISSN 2986-7339

Tene, Herry Christopher and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Tanaya, Olivia (2023) Optimalisasi Sumber Daya Manusia terhadap Pengolahan: Studi Kasus Industri Pengolahan Bahan Baku Rotan. Al-Kharaj: Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah, 6 (3). pp. 3181-3190. ISSN 2656-2871; E-ISSN 2656-4351

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Maharani, Asri (2023) Enhancing global supply chain resilience in the Indonesian medical device industry: a dynamic capability perspective. Journal of Asia Business Studies. ISSN 1558-7894

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Han, Ling and Maharani, Asri (2023) Global supply chain resilience with the flexible partnership. Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications, 5 (1). ISSN 2631-3871

Mandario, Rionarda Raja Ramdhani and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2023) Street-Level Bureaucracy and Government Transformation. Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science (IJOMS), 8 (2). pp. 2999-3005. ISSN 2808-5957; E-ISSN 2808-6724

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Han, Ling (2022) From family business orientation to organisational citizenship behaviour: prosocial behaviour in family business performance. Journal of Family Business Management, 12 (4). pp. 923-937. ISSN 2043-6238

Megawati, Veny and Setyawan, Andhy and Hananto, Hari and Dewi, Hayuning Purnama and Benarkah, Njoto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Juniati, Ninik (2022) Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Sebagai Faktor Pengungkit Pengembangan Desa Wisata: Studi Kasus pada Wisata Sawah Sumber Gempong. INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia, 05 (04). pp. 569-580. ISSN 2614-0462

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2022) Reinterpreting excellence for sustainable competitive advantage: the role of entrepreneurial culture under information technological turbulence. Measuring Business Excellence, 26 (2). pp. 180-196. ISSN 1368-3047

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2022) Innovation strategy beyond the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of trust under disruptive technology. Foresight, 24 (3/4). pp. 358-376. ISSN 1463-6689

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2022) The strategic innovation under information technological turbulence: the role of organisational resilience in competitive advantage. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, 32 (3). pp. 475-491. ISSN 1059-5422

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Megawati, Veny and Mulya, Teguh Wijaya and Prima, Delta Ardy (2021) Membangun etika bisnis dalam industri pariwisata melalui program pengabdian masyarakat di Ketapanrame, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur. Abdimasku, 4 (3). pp. 311-319. ISSN 2620-3235

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Siwu, Sonya Claudia and Claeye, Frederik (2021) Social Innovation in the Indonesian Village Enterprises for Sustainable Development. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 15 (7). pp. 735-753. ISSN 2201-1323

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Prima, Delta Ardy and Sinaga, Nur Flora Nita Taruli and Permatasari, Anggraeni and Ariani, Mintarti and Han, Ling (2020) Crowdfunding in digital humanities: some evidence from Indonesian social enterprises. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 72 (2). pp. 287-303. ISSN 2050-3806

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Arli, Denni (2020) Linking global consumer culture and ethnocentric consumerism to global citizenship: exploring the mediating effect of cultural intelligence. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. ISSN 0144-333X

Megawati, Veny and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Mulya, Teguh Wijaya and Ardy, Delta (2019) Kewirausahaan Berbasis Komunitas : Model Bisnis untuk Pengelolaan Aset dan Infrastruktur. Jurnal Manajemen Aset, Infrastruktur & Fasilitas, 3 (2). pp. 109-130. ISSN 2615-1847

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2019) Cross-cultural collaboration for inclusive global value chain: a case study of rattan industry. International Journal of Emerging Markets. ISSN 1746-8809

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Darmasetiawan, Noviaty Kresna and Yudiarso, Ananta and Jeong, Bok (2019) Achieving sustainable competitive advantage through green entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation: The role of inter-organizational learning. Emerald insight: The Bottom Line. ISSN 0888-045X

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Djoemadi, Firman Rosjadi and Avanti, Christina and Sinaga, Nur Flora Nita Taruli Basa and Maharani, Asri (2019) Civic engagement in the Indonesia health sector: The role of religiosity, empathy, and materialism attitude. International Journal of Health Governance, 24 (4). pp. 244-260. ISSN 2059-4631

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2018) Linking religiosity to citizenship behaviour under materialism attitude: Empirical evidence from Indonesia. International Journal of Ethics and Systems. ISSN 2514-9369

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Maharani, Asri (2018) Long-Term Care in Indonesia: The Role of Integrated Service Post for Elderly. Journal of Aging and Health. ISSN 08982643

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Ratih, Rosalia Vita Septina and Arshad, Darwina (2018) Does Entrepreneurial Autonomy Foster SME Growth Under Technological Turbulence? The Empirical Evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science. ISSN 2366-5963

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2018) From social network to firm performance: The mediating effect of trust, selling capability and pricing capability. Management Research Review. ISSN 2040-8269

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2018) Network structure and open innovation: the role of trust in product development. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research,, 15 (1). pp. 44-61. ISSN 1751-0252

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2018) Does firm performance increase with risk-taking behavior under information technological turbulence?: Empirical evidence from Indonesian SMEs. The Journal of Risk Finance, 19 (4). pp. 361-378. ISSN 1526-5943

Suyanto, Suyanto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2017) The Effect of Foreign direct investment on Economic Growth, Carbon Emission, and Social Welfare: A Cross-Country Study. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15 (25). pp. 39-53. ISSN 0972-7302

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Tjahjono, Godo (2017) How does materialistic attitude influence the impact of corporate brand on the customers’ intention to donate to corporates’ charity? Humanomics, 33 (4). pp. 484-498. ISSN 0828-8666

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Suyanto, Suyanto and Marciano, Deddy and Zurbrugg, Christian (2017) Social return on investment for community-based enterprise in Surabaya City. The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work , 51 (1/2). pp. 93-114. ISSN 0219-2462

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Pudjibudojo, Jatie Kusmiati Kusna (2016) Transforming entrepreneurial resources to competitive advantage: the role of social capital and marketing capability. Mediterranean Journal of Social Science, 7 (2). ISSN 1039-2 I 17 (on line); 2039-9340 (print)

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Mahmood, Rosli (2016) Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: How can micro, small and medium-sized enterprises survive environmental turbulence? Pacific Science Review B: Humanities and Social Sciences, 1 (2). pp. 85-91. ISSN 2405-8831

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2016) Strategic orientation and information technological turbulence : Contingency perspective in SMEs. Business Process Management Journal, 22 (6). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1463-7154

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Sutanti, Ari (2016) The ecosystem of social enterprise: Social culture, legal framework, and policy review in Indonesia. Pacific Science Review B: Humanities and Social Sciences, 2. pp. 106-112.

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Saputra, Ruswiati Surya and Pudjibudojo, Jatie Kusmiati Kusna (2016) The social capital and firm performance: Evident from Indonesia small businesses. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6 (S&). pp. 47-50. ISSN 2146-4138

Suyanto, Suyanto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2015) Entrepreneurial Orientation and Social Capital in Pricing Strategy: A Case of Small Enterprises in East Java. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 18 (3). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1979-6471

Adityas, Tri and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Hariadi, Sugeng (2015) Pengadaan Barang Publik: Studi Kasus Fly Over Pasar Kembang Surabaya. Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 20 (1). pp. 19-26. ISSN 1410-9204

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Mahmood, Rosli (2015) Mediating effect of marketing capability and reward philosophy in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 5 (5). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2251-7316

Suyanto, Suyanto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2014) The Impact Of Enterpreneurship Orientation, Human Capital And Social Capital On Innovation Success Of Small Firms In East Java. Jurnal Manajemen dan Teknologi, 13 (2). pp. 117-125. ISSN 1412-1700

Suyanto, Suyanto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2014) The Impact of Entrepreneurship Orientation, Human Capital, and Social Capital on Innovation Success of Small Firms in East Java. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi: Indonesian Journal for the Science of Management, 13 (2). pp. 117-125. ISSN Print ISSN: 1412-1700; Online ISSN: 2089-7928

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Mahmood, Rosli (2014) The Moderating Effect of Environmental Turbulence in the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Management and Firm Performance. Universal Journal of Management, 2 (7). pp. 285-292. ISSN 2331-9577

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Mahmood, Rosli (2014) Social Capital and Firm Performance: Moderating Effect of Environmental Turbulence. Asian Social Science , 10 (19). ISSN 1911-2025

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Mario, Antonio Lopez and Ruswiati, Surya Saputra (2014) Surabaya Zoo: a social enterprise on the cross road. Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection, 4 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2045-0621

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Tee, Chee Wee and Syahchari, Dicky Hida and Nugraha, Andhyka Tyaz and Mat, Nik Kamariah Nik and Fitri, Hadiati (2013) The Direct Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Innovation Success on Firm Performance. American Journal of Economics, 3 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2166-496X

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Kumar M, Dileep (2013) Social Enterprise Challenges: Case Study. International Postgraduate Business Journal, 5 (1). pp. 81-95. ISSN 2180-2459

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Radjamin, Irzameingindra Putri (2012) Kopy Luwak: a conservation strategy for global market. Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection, 2 (8). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2045-0621

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2011) Social Network and Accessibility of Functional Literacy Program: Poverty Alleviation in East Java. Jurnal DINAMIKA HAM, 11 (2). pp. 63-124. ISSN 1410-3982

Simanjuntak, Yoan Nursari and Christanti, Inge and Herawati, Aloysia Vira and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2010) Pemenuhan Hak Ekosob Warga Korban Lumpur PT Lapindo di Sidoarjo. Jurnal DINAMIKA HAM, 10 (1). ISSN 1410-3982

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2003) Skala Produksi : Produktivitas Dan Teknologi. Unitas, 12 (1). pp. 3-12. ISSN 0854-3097

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2002) Jawa Timur: Model Pembangunan Ekonomi Berimbang. Unitas, 11 (1). pp. 51-64. ISSN 0854-3097

Suyanto, Suyanto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2000) PERMINTAAN TENAGA KERJA: STUDI KASUS LOWONGAN KERJA MEDIA CETAK MEI-JULI 2000. Unitas, 8 (2). pp. 36-55. ISSN 0854-3097

Book Section

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Herdiana, Wyna and Wen, Teoh Chai (2022) Product development under information technological turbulence: The role of marketing communication for competitive advantage in small businesses enterprises. In: Contextual Strategic Entrepreneurship. Springer, pp. 137-154.

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Fifo, Andrey and Efferin , Sujoko (2020) Bina Swadaya: The Indonesian Third Sector in Action. In: SAGE Business Cases. SAGE. ISBN 9781529700107

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Ratih, Rosalia Vita Septina (2019) International Alliance Strategies: A Case Study of the Indonesian Medical Device Industry. In: Globalization and Development. Springer, pp. 381-400. ISBN 978-3-030-11766-5

Vestapen, Bart and Pawa, Ferdinand and Dortman, Bram and Bagastyo, Arseto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Rahmani, Pradnya and Zurbrugg, Christian (2017) Municipality Solid Waste Management. In: Generating value from organic waste. Magister Management Universitas Surabaya, pp. 5-11. ISBN 978-602-74915-2-6

Suyanto, Suyanto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2014) Enterpreneurship Orientation and Social Capital in Pricing Strategy: A Case of Small Enterprises in East Java. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Economic and Information System Management. STIE Multi Data Palembang, Palembang, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-602-71513-0-7


Setyaningrum, Idfi and Suyanto, Suyanto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Ariani, Mintarti and Budiarto, Bambang and Radjamin, Irzameingindra Putri and Rosjadi, Firman and Tanaya, Olivia and Wibowo, Joshi Maharani and Sundari, Hj. Made Siti and Hariadi, Sugeng and Kartikasari, Cynthia Yohanna (2022) Laporan Akhir Kegiatan Survey Perhitungan Nilai Tambah Bruto K-UMKM Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2022. Project Report. Perpustakaan Universitas Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Krustiyati, J.M. Atik and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Noerjanto, Noerjanto and Innurtrisniyati, Anastasia (2018) Religiusitas dan kewarganegaraan: Dampak moderasi perilaku materialisme. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (In Press)

Suyanto, Suyanto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Gunawan, Gunawan (2015) Kewirausahaan Sosial dan Transformasi Lingkungan di Jawa Timur: Kajian Ekonomi Sosial. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Suyanto, Suyanto and Tondok, Marselius Sampe and Yudiarso, Ananta and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2014) Indeks Kebahagiaan Masyarakat Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya, surabaya. (Unpublished)

Suyanto, Suyanto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2013) The Impact of Social Capital on Market Power: Analysis of Competitive Advantage in Small Medium Enterprises. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Suyanto, Suyanto (2012) Environmental Social Enterprises in East Java Indonesia. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Suyanto, Suyanto (2011) Foreign Direct Investment and Global Corporate Social Leadership. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Conference or Workshop Item

Juniati, Ninik and Gunawan, Viofelita and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Megawati, Veny (2024) Project-Based Learning (PBL): Student Creativities in the Upcycling Projects. In: SCI 2022: International Conference on Sustainability in Creative Industries, 10-11 November 2022, Online Conference (In Collaboration with Universitas Ciputra).

Kamala, Komang Yudhi and Rahardja, Christina and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2021) How is the Attitude of Japanese Millennial’s toward Indonesian Rattan Furniture? In: 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Oei, Andrean Kisima and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2020) Trust as a Social Capital for Entrepreneurship to Create Innovation. In: International Conference of Business and Engineering Management, February 01st, 2020, Surabaya. (Submitted)

Hertantyo, Anthony and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2019) KNOWLEDGE TRANSLATION : QUALITY CIRCLE DALAM LINGKUNGAN KERJA KOLABORATIF. In: Seminar Nasional Manajemen dan Call Paper (SENIMA 4), 5 Oktober 2019, Hotel Ibis Styles Jln. Jemursari, Surabaya.

Kurniaputra, Sugiharto and Saraswati, Halinda and Joemadi, Firman Rosdjadi and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Amir, Nabbilah (2019) Cigarette: The GATT non-discrimination clause. In: 1st Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018), 23 October 2018, Bandung.

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Suyanto, Suyanto and Marciano, Deddy and Jeong, Bok Gyo (2018) Internationalization of Social Enterprise: Scaling Up the Social Innovation in Indonesia. In: The 2018 International Conference of Organizational Innovation, 7-9 July 2018, Fukuoka, Japan.

Hastuti, Maria Eugenia and Megawati, Veny and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Nour, Muhammad (2018) Migration and Development: A case study of Indonesian migrant workers. In: the 1st Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018), 23 October 2018, Bandung.

Budiharto, Amelia and Suyanto, Suyanto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2017) The Relationship between Economic Growth, FDI, Trade, Labour, and Capital Formation in Indonesia. In: The 2017 Mulawarman international conference on economics and business, 18-19 Oktober 2017, Balikpapan. (In Press)

Suyanto, Suyanto and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2016) The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth, Carbon Emission, and Social Welfare: A Cross-Country Study. In: International Conference on Business, Economics and Social Science, 10-11 August 2016, Bali.

Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Suwarso, Broto (2008) Evolution of Community-Based Water Environmental Governance in Surabaya City. In: Third WEPA International Forum on Water Environmental Governance, 23- 24 October 2008, Putra Jaya, Malaysia.

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2007) Promoting Participatory Earth System Governance on Emergency Program: Case of Earth Disaster in Indonesia. In: Earth System Governance: Theories and Strategies for Sustainability 2007 Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, 24-26 May 2007, Amsterdam.

Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2005) Education for Informal Sector: Rebuilding Sharing Communities for Small Social Entrepreneurs. In: 8th Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) General Conference, Higher Education Leadership: Strategic Relevance for Asia-Pacific Communities, 4-8 September 2005, Surabaya.


Iswadi, Hazrul and Rani, Karina Citra and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Darmasetiawan, Noviaty Kresna and Kusumawardhany, Prita Ayu and Megawati, Veny and Sugiarti, Yenny and Martantina, Levi and Asmawati, Endah and Gunawan, Gunawan and Parung, Joniarto and Simangunsong, Tuani Lidiawati and Putra, Sulistyo Emantoko Dwi and Utomo, Utomo (2021) Tetap Optimis dan Berkarya di Masa Pandemi. Direktorat Penerbitan & Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. ISBN 978-623-6373-55-2

Suyanto, Suyanto and Yulia, Rika and Lisanawati, Go and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Mulya, Teguh Wijaya and Sutrisna, Putu Doddy and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Sujatmiko, Guguh and Suryadinata, Rivan Virlando and Iswahyudi, Thomas S. and Sugiarto, Singgih and Hamidy, Tang (2021) Tetap Meneliti dan Produktif di Masa Pandemi. Direktorat Penerbitan & Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya.

Efferin, Sujoko and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Sutejo, Bertha Silvia and Soeherman, Bonnie and Prianka, Dian and Iswadi, Hazrul and Artana, Ida Bagus Made and Putra, Kumara Sadana and Agustriyanto, Rudy and Margaretha, Silvia and Megawati, Veny (2018) Modul Pembelajaran: Mata Kuliah Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi (1000A001). Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya.


Universitas Surabaya (2023) Jam Dinding Multifungsi. IDD000066830.

Universitas Surabaya (2023) Aplikasi Augmented Reality Soboketapanrame Berbasis Android. EC00202364791.

Universitas Surabaya (2023) Filter Augmented Reality Instagram Gapuro Sumber Gempong. EC00202364795.

Universitas Surabaya (2023) Obyek 3 Dimensi Augmented Reality Gapura Wringin Lawang. EC00202356587.

Universitas Surabaya (2022) Obyek 3 Dimensi Augmented Reality Gapuro Sumber Gempong. EC00202282700.

Universitas Surabaya (2022) Desa Ketapanrame Meets Desa Ranupani. EC00202232443.

Universitas Surabaya (2022) Festival Kopi Padang Bulan 2021. EC00202232444.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Mangkuk Sup. IDD000065608.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Piring. IDD000065471.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Motif Batik Kopi Wirasta. EC00202180134.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Motif Batik Kopi Tilem. EC00202144360.

Universitas Surabaya (2019) Motif Batik Kopi Padang Bulan. EC00202136001.

Universitas Surabaya (2019) Motif batik khas Ketapanrame, Trawas, Mojokerto. EC00201975220.

Universitas Surabaya (2019) Modul Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Kewirausahaan Dan Inovasi. EC00201936792.


Khosasih, Mikhael Ming and Benarkah, Njoto and Hananto, Hari and Megawati, Veny and Dewi, Hayuning Purnama and Tjahjono, Harijanto and Pandjaitan, Lena Nessyana and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Juniati, Ninik (2024) Obyek Digital 3 Dimensi Ular Tangga untuk Aplikasi Soboketapanrame AR. [Copyright]

Khosasih, Mikhael Ming and Benarkah, Njoto and Hananto, Hari and Megawati, Veny and Dewi, Hayuning Purnama and Tjahjono, Harijanto and Pandjaitan, Lena Nessyana and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Juniati, Ninik (2023) Obyek Digital 3 Dimensi Macan Putih Gapura Sumber Gempong Untuk Aplikasi Soboketapanrame AR. [Copyright]

Khosasih, Mikhael Ming and Benarkah, Njoto and Hananto, Hari and Megawati, Veny and Dewi, Hayuning Purnama and Tjahjono, Harijanto and Pandjaitan, Lena Nessyana and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Juniati, Ninik (2023) EC002023131377 - Obyek 3 Dimensi Si Mbok Berkebaya Untuk Aplikasi Soboketapanrame AR. [Copyright]

Industrial Design

Juniati, Ninik and Hananto, Hari and Megawati, Veny and Pratono, Aluisius Hery and Dewi, Hayuning Purnama and Pandjaitan, Lena Nessyana and Tjahjono, Harijanto and Benarkah, Njoto (2023) Nampan Ukir Motif Batik. [Industrial Design]

Juniati, Ninik and Benarkah, Njoto and Megawati, Veny and Hananto, Hari and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2022) CANGKIR. [Industrial Design]

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 04:42:57 2025 WIB.