Items where Division is "Department of Chemical Engineering" and Year is 2017

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 37.

Agustriyanto, Rudy (2017) Metode Optimasi Pada Sistem Pengendalian Proses Tangki Pemanas Berpengaduk. Jurnal Teknik Kimia USU, 6 (3). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2337-4888

Agustriyanto, Rudy (2017) Simulasi Pengendali Proporsional Integral pada Proses Penguapan. Jurnal rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan, 12 (2). pp. 54-61. ISSN 1412-5064

Agustriyanto, Rudy and Sapei, Lanny and Rosaline, Gabriella and Setiawan, R. (2017) The Effect of Temperature on the Production of Nitrobenzene. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 172. ISSN 1757-899X

Agustriyanto, Rudy and Sapei, Lanny and Setiawan, Reny and Rosaline, Gabriella (2017) Pengaruh Rasio Asam Sulfat Terhadap Asam Nitrat Pada Sintesis Nitrobenzena Dalam CSTR. Seminar Nasional Inovasi Dan Aplikasi Teknologi Di Industri 2017 ITN Malang, 4 Pebruari 201. D14.1-D14.7. ISSN 2085-4218

Agustriyanto, Rudy and Zhang, Jie (2017) Closed Loop Simulation of Decentralized Control using RGA for Uncertain Binary Distillation Column. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 012012-B6.

Fatmawati, Akbarningrum and Gunawan, Kevin Yulianto and Hadiwijaya, Ferrell Auryn (2017) Biokonversi Serbuk Kulit Pisang menjadi Bioetanol. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Soebardjo Brotohardjono XIII, 25 July 2017, Hotel Santika Jl Jemursari Surabaya.

Fatmawati, Akbarningrum and Gunawan, Kevin Yulianto and Hadiwijaya, Ferrell Auryn (2017) Hydrolysis of Alkaline-Pretreated Banana Peel. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 273. ISSN 1757-899X

Hadinata, Stephen and Ardiyanto, Mikhael (2017) Fermentasi Fase Padat Kulit Pisang untuk Suplemen Pakan Ikan. Project Report. Fakultas Teknik.

Handayani, Handayani and Yulia, Rika and Gabriel, Azmi Alvian and Budhyantoro, Arief (2017) Modul Budidaya Dan Produk Olahan Jahe Merah. Unusa Press, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-50312-5-0

Handayani, Handayani and Yulia, Rika and Gabriel, Azmi Alvian and Budhyantoro, Arief (2017) Modul Budidaya Dan Produk Olahan Sayur Organik. Unusa Press, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-50312-4-3

Maldini, Martino and Darmawan, Robert (2017) Upaya Pemanfaatan Silika sebagai Adsorben untuk Menghasilkan Gliserol Teknis dari Hasil Samping Produksi Biodiesel. Working Paper. Fakultas Teknik.

Riadi, Lieke (2017) Water Sustainability: Emerging Trends for Water Quality Management. NRLS Conference Proceedings International Conference on Natural Resources and Life Sciences (2016), Volume 2017, 2017.

Riadi, Lieke and Altway, Ali and Vania, Sasmita Mirifica and Widyasayogo, Andy (2017) Study on kinetic parameter in real yarn dyed wastewater treatment using electrocoagulation-ozonation process. Water Practice & Technology , 12 (3). pp. 1-7.

Riadi, Lieke and Lidiawati, Tuani and hartono, Tiara and Anggraini, MD (2017) Sekam Padi Sebagai Adsorben : Evaluasi Adsopsi Untuk Pewarna Tunggal dan Campuran. Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia UNPAR 2017. B2.1-B2.7. ISSN 2477-1694

Riadi, Lieke and Sugiharto, Andrian and Gondokusumo, Hana (2017) Ozonation of Yarn dyed wastewater in a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor : Kinetic study and Performance Optimisation. In: RSCE 2017, 15-16 November 2017, Semarang.

Sapei, Lanny and Damayanti, Olivia Poppy and ., Liliana (2017) Kinetics of Oil-in-Water Emulsion Stabilization using Lecithin and Biosilica. ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1655-4418

Sapei, Lanny and Sandy, I G Y H and Ray, M (2017) The effect of different concentrations of tween-20 combined with rice husk silica on the stability of o/w emulsion: A kinetic study. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 273. ISSN 1757-899X

Sapei, Lanny and Suseno, Natalia and Padmawijaya, Karsono Samuel and Wibowo, Jessica Natalia and Widjaja, Chandra (2017) High-Grade Biosilica Isolated from Diluted Acids Leached Rice Husk. In: International Congress on Chemical, Biological and EnvironmentaL Sciences. ICCBES, Kyoto. ISBN 978-986-87417-8-2

Sapei, Lanny and Tarigan, Elieser and Lie, Hwa and Halim, Violita Putri and Soebiantoro, Fhelix August (2017) Drying Kinetics of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. NRLS Conference Proceedings International Conference on Natural Resources and Life Sciences (NRLS-2016): KnE Life Sciences , 2017. 110-117 . ISSN 2413-0877

Savitri, Emma and Adiarto, Tokok (2017) Controlled-Release Fertilizer Based on Cellulose Encapsulation. In: Proceeding Book : Sustainable Technology and Innovation : Opportunities and Challenges. LPPM Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, C-53.

Savitri, Emma and Prayitno, Agung and Hadi, Samsul (2017) UPAYA PENINGKATAN KESEJAHTERAAN PETANI LEBAH MADU LUMBANG DENGAN PENDEKATAN TEKNOLOGI DAN PENGUATAN KELEMBAGAAN. Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Gelar Produk 2017. ISSN 978-979-796-292-0

Savitri, Emma and Sri Lingganingrum, Farid (2017) Studi Optimasi Proses Isolasi Glukomanan dari Amorphophalus Konjac. In: Simposium Nasional Polimer XI, 6 September 2017, PDII-LIPI Jakarta. (Submitted)

Simangunsong, Tuani Lidiawati (2017) Pengelolaan sampah Kampus untuk Mewujudkan Kampus Berkelanjutan (Sustainability Campus). Prozima, 1 (1). pp. 59-63. ISSN 2541-5115

Simangunsong, Tuani Lidiawati and Soesanti, Arum (2017) Aplikasi Sistem Wadah Bertingkat dalam Budidaya Cacing Sutra di Desa Pungpungan Bojonegoro (Application of A Rack Culture System for Tubifex Worms Farming At Pungpungan Village, Bojonegoro). Jurnal Sinergitas PKM & CSR, 2 (1). pp. 32-41. ISSN 2528-7052, E-ISSN: 2528-7184

Suseno, Natalia and Adiarto, Tokok and Syalindra, Wita and Christovel, Novandre (2017) Ektraksi Tanin dari Kulit Kayu Pinus Menggunakan Pelarut Etanol Sebagai Perekat Serbuk Briket. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Soebardjo Brotohardjono XIII, 25 Juli 2017, UPN Veteran Jawa Timur. (Unpublished)

Suseno, Natalia and Adiarto, Tokok and Wiranata, J.W. and Julio, M. (2017) Pengaruh Berat Molekul Kitosan terhadap Kelarutan Karboksimetil Kitosan. In: Simposium Nasional Polimer XI, 6 September 2017, PDII-LIPI Jakarta.

Suseno, Natalia and Sapei, Lanny and Purwanto, Edy and Adiarto, Tokok (2017) Effect of delignification process on physical properties of sugarcane baggase paper. In: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLICATION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2016 (ISFAChE 2016): Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering 2016. the American Institute of Physics (AIP).. ISBN 978-0-7354-1510-2

Sutrisna, Putu Doddy and Hou, Jingwei and Li, Hongyu and Zhang, Yatao and Chen, Vicki (2017) Improved operational stability of Pebax-based gas separation membranes with ZIF-8: A comparative study of flat sheet and composite hollow fibre membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 524. pp. 266-279. ISSN 03767388

Widi, Restu Kartiko and Budhyantoro, Arief and Savitri, Emma (2017) Pengembangan Unit Usaha Bengkel Gelas Ubaya: Strategi Peningkatan Peralatan dan Kompetensi SDM. In: Seminar Nasional dan Gelar Produk 2017, October, 17th 2017, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Widi, Restu Kartiko and Budhyantoro, Arief and Christianto, Arnold (2017) Phenol Hydroxylation on Al-Fe modified-Bentonite: Effect of Fe Loading, Temperature and Reaction Time. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 273 (012007). pp. 1-7. ISSN 17578981

Widi, Restu Kartiko and Budhyantoro, Arief and Savitri, Emma (2017) PENGEMBANGAN UNIT USAHA BENGKEL GELAS UBAYA: Strategi Peningkatan Peralatan dan Kompetensi SDM. In: PROSIDING SENASPRO 2017 Seminar Nasional dan Gelar Produk 2017. UMM Press Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, pp. 329-335. ISBN 978-979-796-292-0

Widi, Restu Kartiko and Budhyantoro, Arief and Savitri, Emma (2017) PENGEMBANGAN UNIT USAHA BENGKEL GELAS UBAYA: Strategi Peningkatan Peralatan dan Kompetensi SDM. Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Gelar Produk 2 . ISSN 978-979-796-292-0

Widi, Restu Kartiko and Budhyantoro, Arief and Savitri, Emma (2017) Pengolah Air Bersih Berbasis Fotokatalis dari Bentonit-TiO2: Pengembangan Pilot Plant. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Widi, Restu Kartiko and Budhyantoro, Arief and Savitri, Emma (2017) Sintesis Fotokatalis TiO2-Nano Tube Al2O3 dan Aplikasinya Sebagai Fotokatalisis Senyawa Organik dalam Limbah Cair. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Widi, Restu Kartiko and Savitri, Emma and Budhyantoro, Arief (2017) Antibacterial Inactivation of Escherichia coli after TiO2-Fe3O4-Bentonite Photocatalytic Treatment. International Journal of Applied Science Engineering and Technology. ISSN 2221-0997 (Print), 2221-1004 (Online) (Submitted)

Widi, Restu Kartiko and Trisulo, D C and Budhyantoro, Arief and Chrisnasari, Ruth (2017) Preparation of immobilized glucose oxidase wafer enzyme on calcium-bentonite modified by surfactant. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 223 (012050). pp. 1-7. ISSN 17578981

Zhang, Yatao and Shen, Qin and Hou, Jingwei and Sutrisna, Putu Doddy and Chen, Vicki (2017) Shear-aligned graphene oxide laminate/Pebax ultrathin composite hollow fiber membranes using a facile dip-coating approach. Journal of Material Chemistry A, 17 (5). pp. 7732-7737. ISSN 20507488

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