Items where Subject is "QK Botany"

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Anam, Choirul and Darmasetiawan, Noviaty Kresna and Nugroho, J.L. Eko (2018) Budidaya Tanaman Salak : IbW Kecamatan Kapas Kabupaten Bojonegoro. PT. Revka Petra Media, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-417-141-4

Anam, Choirul and Darmasetiawan, Noviaty Kresna and Nugroho, J.L. Eko and Waluyo, Prayogo Widyastoto (2020) Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos : PPDM Pengembangan Agrowisata Berbasis Salak Desa Wedi Kecamatan Kapas Kabupaten Bojonegoro. CV. Pustaka Ilalang Group, Lamongan. ISBN 978-623-7731-73-7

Artadana, Ida Bagus Made and Dewi, Ines Tiara and Sukweenadhi, Johan (2019) The Performance of Three Local Rice (Oryza sativa) Cultivar from East Kalimantan under Osmotic Stress at Early Seedling Stage. In: 2 nd International Conference on Natural Resources and Life Sciences (NRLS-2018), August 23-24, 2018, Ibis Styles Hotels.


Bae, Kwi-Sik and Rahimi, Shadi and Kim, Yu-Jin and Devi, Balusamy Sri Renuka and Khorolragchaa, Altanzul and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Silva, Jeniffer and Myagmarjav, Davaajarga and Yang, Deok-Chun (2016) Molecular characterization of lipoxygenase genes and their expression analysis against biotic and abiotic stresses in Panax ginseng. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 145 (2). pp. 331-343. ISSN 0929-1873 (print), 1573-8469 (online)

Balusamy, Sri Renukadevi and Rahimi, Shadi and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Sunderraj, Sneha and Shanmugam, Rajeshkumar and Thangavelu, Lakshmi and Mijakovic, Ivan and Perumalsamy, Haribalan (2022) Chitosan, chitosan nanoparticles and modified chitosan biomaterials, a potential tool to combat salinity stress in plants. Carbohydrate Polymers, 284 (119189). pp. 1-19. ISSN 01448617, 18791344


Chandra, Stefan Pratama and Vianney, Yoanes Maria and Christie, Theresia Liliani and Wongso, Merlyn and Widjaja, Melisa and Yang, Deok-Chun and Kang, Se Chan and Atoum, Manar Fayiz Mousa and Sukweenadhi, Johan (2021) Mass Production of Panax ginseng C.A. Mey. Root Cultures in Indonesia. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 37 (1). pp. 98-109. ISSN 1016-4383; Online ISSN 2224-5383

Choi , Eul-Su and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Kim, Yeon-Ju and Jung, Ki Hong and Koh, Sung-Cheol and Hoang, Van-An and Yang, Deok-Chun (2016) The effects of rice seed dressing with Paenibacillus yonginensis and silicon on crop development on South Korea’s reclaimed tidal land. Field Crops Research, 188. pp. 121-132. ISSN 0378-4290


Davaajargal, Myagmarjav and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Kim, Yu-Jin and Jang, Moon-Gi and Rahimi, Shadi and Silva, Jennifer and Choi, Jun-Young and Mohanan, Padmanaban and Kwon, Woo-Saeng and Kim, CG and Yang, Deok-Chun (2017) Molecular Characterization and Expression Analysis of Pathogenesis related Protein 6 from Panax ginseng. Russian Journal of Genetics, 53 (11). pp. 1211-1220. ISSN 1022-7954 (Print) 1608-3369 (Online)

Dewi, Siska Citra and Prasetyo, Vincentius Riandaru and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Irawati, Fenny and Savitri, Wina Dian (2022) Effect of 6-Benzylaminopurine (BA) and Paclobutrazol (PBZ) with Light Intensity Variations for Cherry Tomatoes In vitro Flowering. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 14 (3). pp. 400-407. ISSN 2085-191X; E-ISSN 2338-7610

Dewi, Siska Citra and Prasetyo, Vincentius Riandaru and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Irawati, Fenny and Savitri, Wina Dian (2022) Review of In Vitro Flowering Method for Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.). IPTEK The Journal of Technology and Science, 33 (1). pp. 34-42. ISSN 2088-2033


Gi-Young, Kwak and Yaxi, Han and Baik, Sul and Kong, Byoung-Man and Yang, Deok-Chun and Kang, Se-Chan and Sukweenadhi, Johan (2022) Gold Nanoparticles Green-Synthesized by the Suaeda japonica Leaf Extract and Screening of Anti-Inflammatory Activities on RAW 267.4 Macrophages. Coatings, 12 (4). ISSN 2079-6412

Goenawan, Yohanes Alvin and Khodjojo, Katherine Krisyanti and Hardjo, Popy Hartatie and Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti (2022) Lycopene Content In Several Ages Of Tomato Callus (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Rampai). AGRIC Journal of Agricultural Science, 34 (1). pp. 89-104. ISSN 2549-9343


Hardjo, Popy Hartatie and Susanto, Danny Putra Sentosa and Savitri, Wina Dian and Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti (2019) Shoot multiplication of Pogostemon cablin var. Sidikalang and patchouli oil profile. Nusantara Bioscience, 11 (2). pp. 123-127. ISSN 2087-3948; E-ISSN 2087-3956

Hardjo, Popy Hartatie and Binarto, Chandra Widjaja Surya and Savitri, Wina Dian (2016) Induksi Protocorm-Like Bodies (PLBs) Vanda tricolor Lindl. var. pallida. In: Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas VI, 3 September 2016, FST Unair Surabaya.

Hardjo, Popy Hartatie (2014) OVEREKSPRESI GEN SoSUT1 UNTUK MENINGKATKAN RANSLOKASI SUKROSA PADA TANAMAN TEBU (Saccharum spp. hybrids). ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, Universitas Airlangga.

Hardjo, Popy Hartatie and Rijanto, Anna (2003) PENGARUH ZAT PENGATUR TUMBUH PADA MULTIPLIKASI TUNAS IN VITRO Acorus calamus L. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia XXIII. pp. 124-126. ISSN 979-97953-0-3

Haribalan, Perumalsamy and Balusamy, Sri Renukadevi and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Nag, Sagnik and MubarakAli, Davoodbasha and Farh, Mohamed El‑Agamy and Shadi, Rahimi (2024) A comprehensive review on Moringa oleifera nanoparticles: importance of polyphenols in nanoparticle synthesis, nanoparticle efficacy and their applications. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 22 (1). pp. 1-27. ISSN 1477-3155

Harwanto, Dicky and Negara, Bertoka Fajar Surya Perwira and Tirtawijaya, Gabriel and Meinita, Maria Dyah Nur and Choi, Jae-Suk (2022) Evaluation of Toxicity of Crude Phlorotannins and Phloroglucinol Using Different Model Organisms. Toxins, 14 (5). p. 312. ISSN 2072-6651


Universitas Surabaya (2022) Mengenal Lebih Dekat TOGA di Sekitar Kita Jilid 1. EC00202302536.

Universitas Surabaya (2023) Mengenal Lebih Dekat TOGA di Sekitar Kita Jilid 2. EC00202302533.


Kartini, Kartini (2003) Pengaruh Proses Pra Pengeringan Rimpang Dringo (Acorus calamus L.) Terhadap Kadar dan Profil KLT-Spektrofotodensitometer Minyak Atsirinya. In: Prosiding Seminar dan Pameran Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia XXIII, 25 - 26 March 2003, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila.

Kim, Jihyun and Silva, Jeniffer and Park, Chanwoo and Kim, Younghun and Park, Nayeon and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Yu, Junping and Shi, Jianxin and Zhang, Dabing and Kim, Keun Ki and Son, Hong-Joo and Park, Hyeon Cheal and Hong, Chang-Oh and Lee, Kwang Min and Kim, Yu-Jin (2022) Overexpression of the Panax ginseng CYP703 Alters Cutin Composition of Reproductive Tissues in Arabidopsis. Plants, 11 (383). pp. 1-15. ISSN 22237747

Krisnawan, Alfian Hendra and Islamie, Ridho and Putri, Rahma Dhianitasari Wahyu and Dewi, Ni Putu Citra Ratna (2023) Antibacterial Activity of Drosera Sp. Ethanolic Extract Against Staphylococcus Aureus ATCC 25923. Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI, 8 (1). pp. 33-38. ISSN 2087-9725; e–ISSN 2355-8059

Krisnawan, Alfian Hendra and Sumartha, I Gede Ari and Amriel, Egan Evanzha Amriel (2023) Pemberdayaan Warga Binaan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Dalam Pemanfaatan Potensi Bunga Melati Untuk Produk Aromaterapi. JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 7 (6). pp. 5607-5615. ISSN 2598-8158; e-ISSN 2614-5758


Lee, Jin-Hwa and Bashir, Khawaja Muhammad Imran and Tirtawijaya, Gabriel and Negara, Bertoka Fajar Surya Perwira and Choi, Jae-Suk (2024) Establishment of Effective Callus Induction in the Economically Important Brown Seaweed Ecklonia cava. Applied Sciences, 14 (8). p. 3480. ISSN 2076-3417


Nicholas, Nicholas and Putra, Leonardo Satriono and Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Sukweenadhi, Johan (2024) Optimization of the Extraction of Polyphenolic Compounds from Oil palm Bunches and their Potential Application in Fish Feed. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 8 (2). pp. 76-83. ISSN 2581-0014


Prasetyo, Vincentius Riandaru and Jayadinata, Yudhistira Anggara and Ramadhan, Naufal Muflih (2023) Implementation of Three Types of Sensors for Monitoring Plant Development in Hydroponic Media. In: 4th International Conference on Science and Technology Applications, 2 November 2022, Online Universitas Negeri Medan.

Prasetyo, Vincentius Riandaru and Savitri, Wina Dian and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Irawati, Fenny and Naufal, Mohammad Farid and Huda, Solichul (2022) Implementasi Metode Multiple Linear Regression untuk Memprediksi Intensitas Cahaya untuk Pembungaan Buah Tomat Pada Media Kultur Jaringan. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi (Techno.Com), 21 (3). pp. 613-620. ISSN 2356-2579

Prasetyo, Yanuar and Njudang, Kristian and Wibowo, Handriyanto Mulyono Putra and Krisnawan, Alfian Hendra (2020) Evaluasi Pertumbuhan Suspensi Sel Dendrobium anosmum var. gigantea dan Aktivitasnya sebagai Antioksidan. Media Pharmaceutica Indonesiana, 3 (2). pp. 70-79. ISSN 1411-8734

Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti (2014) "Katakan Dengan Jamur" Salah Satu Alternatif Upaya Edukasi Biologi terhadap Kaum Muda dan Masyarakat Perkotaan. In: Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi 2014 : Buku Abstrak & Panduan Peserta. Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya Press), Surabaya, p. 80.

Putra , Sulistyo Emantoko Dwi (2016) Placental DNA Methylation In Association With Maternal Health And Birth Outcomes. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, Universität Potsdam.


Rijanto, Anna and Yuantara, Luhur and Hardjo, Popy Hartatie (2003) INDEKS PERTUMBUHAN dan RESERPIN PLANLET Rauwolfia serpentina YANG DIINDUKSI DENGAN L-TRIPTOPAN. In: Prosiding Seminar dan Pameran Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia XXIII, 25 - 26 March 2003, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila.


Savitri, Wina Dian and Askitosari, Theresia Desy (2024) Assessing plant growth and infection in Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh following inoculation with bacterial endophytes. Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi, 12 (1). pp. 22-33. ISSN 2580-2909 ; p-ISSN: 2302-1616

Savitri, Wina Dian and Dewanti, Parawita and Darsono, Nurmala and Handoyo, Tri (2024) Bioteknologi Tanaman: Teknik Eliminasi Virus dan Deteksi Molekuler Tanaman Bebas Virus. Hei Publishing, Padang. ISBN 978-623-8722-84-6

Savitri, Wina Dian and Santoso, Marvel Lewi and Antonius, Yulanda and Hardjo, Popy Hartatie and Jan, Asad (2023) Characterization of Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from Avicennia marina’s Leaf Tissue Collected from Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo Surabaya, Indonesia. E3S Web of Conf. Volume 374, 2023 The 3rd International Conference on Natural Resources and Life Sciences (NRLS) 2020, 274 (00039). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2267-1242

Savitri, Wina Dian (2015) Direct Adventitious Shoots Formation from Tomato Hypocotyls and Cotyledons. Proceedings of International Conference NAMES 2015. pp. 77-81. ISSN 2461-0986

Savitri, Wina Dian and Ferina, Agnes Belinda and Octavia, Yessica and Muliawan , Erik and Effendi, Euginius Edward (2016) CALLUSES FROM TOMATO CV. TYMOTI AND THEIR MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AS SUPPORTING MATERIAL FOR PLANT TISSUE CULTURE LESSON. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi 2016. pp. 293-297. ISSN 978-602-0951-11-9

Savitri, Wina Dian and Wirjaputra, Maria Veronica and Hardjo, Popy Hartatie (2016) ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ENDOPHYTIC BACTERIA FROM THE LEAF EXPLANTS OF Avicennia marina (Forsk.). In: Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas VI, September 2016, Airlangga University.

Setiawan, Vendra and Krisnawan, Alfian Hendra and Indarini, Indarini (2023) Penguatan Usaha Mandiri Diversifikasi Produk Jahe melalui Penyuluhan Pemilihan Kemasan, Pemasaran Digital, dan Perizinan Produk. Amalee: Indonesian Journal Of Community Research And Engagement, 4 (1). pp. 319-328. ISSN 2715-7997; E-ISSN: 2716-0750 (In Press)

Setiawan, Finna and Yunita, Oeke and Kurniawan, Ade (2018) Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Kayu Secang (Caesalpinia sappan) Menggunakan Metode DPPH, ABTS, dan FRAP. Media Pharmaceutica Indonesiana, 2 (2). pp. 82-89. ISSN 1411-8734

Silva, Jeniffer and Kim, Yu-Jin and Xiao, Dexin and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Hu, Tingting and Kwon, Woo-Saeng and Jianping, Hu and Yang, Deok-Chun and Zhang, Dabing (2017) Cytological analysis of ginseng carpel development. Protoplasma, 254 (5). pp. 1909-1922. ISSN 0033-183X (print), 1615-6102 (online)

Soejani, Sri (2003) Perbandingan Kadar dan Kualitas Minyak Atsiri Rimpang Dringo (Acorus calamus L.) Basah dan Kering. In: Prosiding Seminar dan Pameran Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia XXIII, 25 - 26 March 2003, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila.

Sukweenadhi, Johan (2023) Pengertian dan Penyusunan Biogenetik Hayati. In: Bahan Alam Hayati. Eureka Media Aksara, Purbalingga, pp. 9-25. ISBN 978-623-151-461-5

Sukweenadhi, Johan (2021) Penguatan Riset Kalbe Ubaya Hanbang-Bio Laboratory: Optimasi dan Validasi Skala Pilot Proses Ekstraksi dan Formulasi Powder Extract Panax ginseng Korea melalui Teknologi Kultur Jaringan Tanaman CRMG (Cultured Roots Mountain Ginseng). Project Report. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (Submitted)

Sukweenadhi, Johan (2022) Spesies Ginseng di Seluruh Dunia: Mengenal Lebih Jauh Tentang Ginseng. Graha Ilmu, Ruko Jambusari No. 7A Yogyakarta 55283.

Sukweenadhi, Johan and Balusamy, Sri Renuka Devi and Kim, Yeon-Ju and Lee, Choong H. and Kim, Yu-Jin and Koh, Sung C. and Yang, Deok C. (2018) A Growth-Promoting Bacteria, Paenibacillus yonginensis DCY84T Enhanced Salt Stress Tolerance by Activating Defense-Related Systems in Panax ginseng. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9 (813). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1664-462X

Sukweenadhi, Johan and Chandra, Stefan Pratama and Putra, Leonardo Satriono and Vianney, Yoanes Maria and Liliani, Theresia and Wongso, Merlyn and Widjaja, Melisa and Pramadiyanti, Sari and Christanti, Pissa and Hak, Kim–Jong and Yang, Deok–Chun and Jan, Asad (2023) The Effect of Elisitor on Growth and Ginsenoside Level in Hairy Root Culture of Panax ginseng Cultivated in Shake Flasks. In: The 3rd International Conference on Natural Resources and Life Sciences (NRLS) 2020, September 23-24, 2020, Virtual.

Sukweenadhi, Johan and Chandra, Stefan Pratama and Setiawan, Finna and Avanti, Christina and Kartini, Kartini and Koeswanto, Arief and Yang, Deok-Chun (2023) Wound Healing Effectiveness Test of Dermal Patch Formulated with Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles from Plantago major L. Extract. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 39 (1). pp. 11-22. ISSN 1016-4383; E-ISSN 2224-5383

Sukweenadhi, Johan and Christian, Carissa Vilonia and Setiabudi, James and Savitri, Wina Dian (2023) Tobacco resistance gene expression levels in response to the infection of Phytophthora nicotianae. In: The International Conference and Workshop in conjunction with the 8th Indonesia Biotechnology Conference (IBC), IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 1255, 16-18 May 2023, Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur Bali..

Sukweenadhi, Johan and Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Hardjo, Popy Hartatie and Kurniawan, Geovanny and Artadana, Ida Bagus Made (2019) Isolation and In Vitro Screening of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria from Barak Cenana Red Rice. In: 2nd International Conference on Biosciences & Medical Engineering (ICBME 2019), 11- 12 April 2019, Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur, Bali Indonesia.

Sukweenadhi, Johan and Setiabudi, James and Krisnawan, Alfian Hendra and Christanti, Pissa (2024) Initiation of Red Ginger Callus (Zingiber officinale Roxb. var. rubrum Rosc.) from Various Explants. In: 14th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation (ICGRC 2023), September 26, 2023, Malang (Hybrid), East Java, Indonesia.

Sukweenadhi, Johan and Tranku, Chelsea and Ayu, Dewi and Kang, Se Chan (2024) Optimizing Nicotine Extraction and Analysis Method from Tobacco Agrowaste Extract. In: International Conference on Bioenergy and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Technology (iCON-BEAT) 2022, November 23, 2022, Online.

Sukweenadhi, Johan (2018) Karakterisasi Gen Antioksidan untuk Pengembangan Panax ginseng Tahan Cekaman. Monograf . Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-602-262-803-3, E-ISBN : 978-602-262-804-0

Sukweenadhi, Johan and Choi, Jung Young and Kim, Yu-Jin and Kaliraj, L. and Abid, S. and Ahn, Jong Chan and Yang, Deok-Chun (2019) Callus induction and in vitro mass culture of adventitious roots from leaf segment explants of Dendropanax morbifera Lev. In: 2nd International Conference on Natural Resources and Life Sciences (NRLS-2018), 23-24 Agustus 2018, Ibis Styles Hotel, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Sukweenadhi, Johan and Kim, Yu-Jin and Joo, Sung Chul and Shi, Jianxin and Hu, Chaoyang and Quan, Sheng and Hu, Jianping and Mohanan, Padmanaban and Yang, Deok-Chun and Zhang, Dabing (2017) Metabolic dynamics and physiological adaptation of Panax ginseng during development. Plant Cell Reports, 37 (3). pp. 393-410. ISSN 0721-7714 (Print); 1432-203X (Online)

Sukweenadhi, Johan and Kim, Yu-Jin and Yang, Deok-Chun (2017) Transcription Pattern of Catalase Gene from Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino during Various Abiotic Stresses. In: NRLS Conference Proceedings International Conference on Natural Resources and Life Sciences (NRLS-2016), 20–21 October 2016, Surabaya.

Surjorahardjo, Tobias Tito and Artadana, Ida Bagus Made (2024) Comparative of Shoot and Root Growth of Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) Cultivated in Mars Global Simulant MGS-1 With or Without Addition Earth Soil Illuminated by LED Light in Indoor Environment. Journal of Student Research (JSR), 13 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN Electronic 2167-1907


Tirtawijaya, Gabriel and Negara, Bertoka Fajar Surya Perwira and Lee, Jin-Hwa and Cho, Man-Gi and Kim, Hye Kyung and Choi, Yun-Sik and Lee, Sang-Hoon and Choi, Jae-Suk (2022) The Influence of Abiotic Factors on the Induction of Seaweed Callus. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10 (4). p. 513. ISSN 2077-1312


Vianney, Yoanes Maria and Amanda, Natasha and Pieknell, Kelvin and Johan, Calvin Wijaya and Hardjo, Popy Hartatie (2018) Evaluation of the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of breadnut (Artocarpus camansi Blanco) leaf extracts. Indian journal of natural products and resources, 9 (2). pp. 151-159. ISSN 0976-0512 (Online); 0976-0504 (Print)


Yunita, Oeke and Fadhilah, Nur Aini and Pramadiyanti, Sari and Jonatan, Simon (2023) Molecular characterization of red ginger varieties (Zingiber officinale Roxb. var. rubrum) by DNA markers. Biodiversitas, 24 (12). pp. 6905-6913. ISSN 1412-033X

Yunita, Oeke and Jimmy, Jimmy and Kristanto, Dyas (2021) Herbal Digital. Revka Prima Media, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-417-394-4

Yunita, Oeke and Rochmawati, Ike Dhiah and Fadhilah, Nur Aini and Benarkah, Njoto (2016) Molecular study of intraspecific differences among Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. from Indonesia revealed by ITS region variability. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 30 (6). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1314-3530

Yunita, Oeke and Wigati, Bunga Anistia and Puspitasari , Monica Dyah and Meliyani, Meliyani (2013) INDUCTION OF GREEN PIGMENTED CALLUS TISSUE FROM Sauropus androgynus. In: 2nd Natural Pigments Conference for South-East Asia (NP-SEA), 12-13 July, 2013, Malang.

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