Items where Division is "Department of Industrial Engineering" and Year is 2022

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Number of items: 72.


., Melianti (2022) Perancangan Sistem Manajemen Pengukuran Indikator Kinerja Perpustakaan Berdasarkan ISO 11620: 2014 (Studi Kasus: Perpustakaan Universitas Surabaya). [Undergraduate thesis]


Ananda, Pradhiva Bayu Wahyu (2022) Perancangan Strategi Bisnis Restoran Alibi Semarang Serta Pengembangan Strategi Pemasaran Untuk Model yang Baru. [Undergraduate thesis]

Ancelina, Brigitta and Santoso, Amelia and Parung, Joniarto (2022) Integration of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment and Material Circularity Indicator for Circular Business: Case Study of Company XYZ Jakarta. In: Proceedings of the 3 rd Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, September 13-15, 2022, Johor bahru, Malaysia.

Andini, Ernizya Putri (2022) Pengukuran Beban Kerja Mental dengan Metode Nasa-tlx dan Work Sampling dan Rekomendasi Perbaikan pada Pegawai Bidang Keuangan Anggaran dan Umum Pt. Pln (persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan Kalimantan Bagian Timur. [Undergraduate thesis]


Christopher Hendra, Setiawan and Santoso, Amelia (2022) Analisis Feasibilitas Penerapan Crowdshipping: Studi Kasus Kota Surabaya. Jurnal Teknik Industri, 8 (2). ISSN 2714-6235


Darmawan, Jeremy Christian (2022) Penerapan Lean Sigma Untuk Eliminasi Waste Pada Proses Produksi Upper Sandal di PT XYZ, Sidoarjo. [Undergraduate thesis]

Djami, Tommy Joshua (2022) Peningkatan Produktivitas Teh Celup Kelor dengan Menggunakan Metode Oregon Productivity Matrix pada CV Dapur Kelor, Kupang - NTT. [Undergraduate thesis]

Djami, Tommy Joshua (2022) Peningkatan Produktivitas Teh Celup Kelor dengan Menggunakan Metode Oregon Productivity Matrix pada CV. Dapur Kelor, Kupang-NTT. [Undergraduate thesis]

Dzarwah, Muhammad (2022) Pengembangan Model Estimasi Waktu Pengerjaan Produk di Mesin CNC Laser LS-6040. [Undergraduate thesis]


Edrika, Vincentius Irvinne (2022) Pengukuran Kinerja dengan Penerapan Metode Integrated Performance Measurement System (IPMS) pada CV. Multi Flordagema International, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. [Undergraduate thesis]

Universitas Surabaya (2022) Edukasi Pemilahan Sampah. EC002022110620.


Fitriani, Nurul Aida (2022) Perancangan Strategi Bisnis dengan Metode Servqual untuk Peningkatan Mutu Layanan UD. Karang Pilang Bengkel Dinamo. [Undergraduate thesis]

Fitriani, Nurul Aida (2022) Perancangan Strategi Bisnis dengan Metode Servqual untuk Peningkatan Mutu Layanan Ud Karang Pilang Bengkel Dinamo. [Undergraduate thesis]

Florencia, Tasya and Parung, Joniarto and Herowati, Evy (2022) The Integration of AHP and SAW Methods with Multiple Decision-Makers for Supplier Selection. A Case Study of UD BSA, Surabaya. In: Proceedings of the 3 rd Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, September 13-15, 2022, Johor bahru, Malaysia.


Gunawan, Gunawan (2022) Community Mobility during Covid-19 Pandemic and Tourism Performance: Data Mining Approach. In: AIP Conference Proceedings 2470, 3rd BIANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENGINEERING 2021 (InCITE 2021): Leveraging Smart Engineering, 25–26 August 2021, Surabaya, Indonesia (Online).

Gunawan, Gunawan (2022) E-commerce and woman entrepreneurs: A data mining of e-commerce statistics in Indonesia. In: 2022 Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM), 24-26 February 2022, Kolkata, India.

Gunawan, Gunawan (2022) ICT Development and Food Consumption: An Impact of Online Food Delivery Services. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - (Volume 1), 25-27 April 2022, Portugal.

Gunawan, Gunawan (2022) Social Commerce from Seller and Region Perspective: A Data Mining for Indonesian E-commerce. In: 2022 International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications (ICoDSA), 6-7 July 2022, Bandung.

Gunawan, Gunawan (2022) Understanding Community Mobility through Life Satisfaction, Human Development, and ICT Development: a Data Mining Approach. In: 2021 8th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), 21-22 Dec. 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam.


Hartono, Markus (2022) Affective Engineering in Services: a Way to More Human-Centric Approach. In: The Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, September 14-16, 2021, Surakarta, Indonesia (Online).

Hartono, Markus (2022) Kansei Engineering and Design Thinking Methodology for Product/Service Design. In: The Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, September 14-16, 2021, Surakarta, Indonesia (Online).

Hartono, Markus (2022) Kansei engineering and product-service systems (KEPSS) integrative framework for customer-centered experience. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENGINEERING 2021 (InCITE 2021): Leveraging Smart Engineering, 25 - 26 August 2021, Surabaya, Indonesia (Virtual/Online).

Hartono, Markus and Prayogo, Dina Natalia and Candra, Feby Juana (2022) Integrated Text Mining and Kansei Engineering Methodology for Excellent Amusement Park Services. In: The 3rd Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, September 13-15, 2022.

Hartono, Markus and Prayogo, Dina Natalia and Saylendra, Gusti Anandia (2022) Integration of Text Mining, Railqual, Kano model, and Kansei Engineering for Train Service Excellence. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEE IEEM) 2022, 07-10 December 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Hartono, Markus and Ronyastra, I Made and Fajrin, Tania Aisyah (2022) Human-Side Emotional Service Design for Experience-Centric Amusement Park. In: The Second Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Surakarta, Indonesia, September 14-16, 2021, September 14-16, 2021, Surakarta, Indonesia (Online).

Hartono, Markus and Santoso, Amelia and Prayogo, Dina Natalia and Salsabila, Aisyah (2022) Kansei-based Mining and Robust Design for Internet Service Provider. In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 13 - 16 December 2021, Singapore (online).

Herowati, Evy and Parung, Joniarto and Marco Gosal, Vincent (2022) Assessment Model for Ranking Prospective Candidates for the Position of Production Supervisor in a Manufacturing Company. In: World Conference on Innovations in Management, Science and Engineering, 29 - 30 December 2022, Pattaya, Thailand.

Herowati, Evy and Parung, Joniarto and Santoso, Janice (2022) The Assessment Model to Rank Applicants for Research and Development Job Position in PT ABC. In: Proceedings of the First Australian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, December 20-21, 2022, Sydney, Australia. (In Press)


Jonatan, Mahasena (2022) Penerapan Multiple Regression Model dengan Dummy Variables dalam Prediksi Bantuan Logistik atas Dampak Bencana Awan Panas Gunung Merapi. [Undergraduate thesis]


Krisdinanto, Nanang and Hartono, Markus and Sujatmiko, Guguh (2022) Industri Oranye - Menakar Potensi Industri yang Menggunakan Kreativitas sebagai Bahan Bakar Ekonomi Abad XXI. Direktorat Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya. ISBN 978-623-6373-98-9

Kusumo, Argo Hadi and Ronyastra, I Made and Hartono, Markus and Sofian, Andrew (2022) Analisis Penempatan Iklan dan Logo Sponsor pada Acara Olahraga dengan Teknologi Eye Tracking. Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia, 5 (4). pp. 475-488. ISSN 2614-0462 (Online)


Lianto, Benny and Absari, Dhiani Tresna and Handani, Felix and Prijambodo, Bambang and Aulia Aziiza, Arizia and Dharmajatri, Kiky Octavina Fadhilah (2022) Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Terintegrasi UPT Balai Latihan Kerja Dinas Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi Jawa Timur. Jurnal Bisnis Terapan, 6 (2). pp. 141-149. ISSN 2597-4157

Lianto, Benny and Prijambodo, Bambang and Handani, Felix and Absari, Dhiani Tresna and Aziiza, Arizia Aulia (2022) Rumah Mandira: A Social Innovation for Community Empowerment Post Covid-19. In: World Conference Entrepreneurship in High-Potential Economies in the Digital Era (WCEHPEDE-22), 4 Desember 2022, Jakarta.

Lianto, Benny and Ronyastra, I Made (2022) Esensi Perancangan dan Manajemen lndustri Berkelanjutan. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-376-186-4


Matanari, Manuel Partogi (2022) Perancangan dan Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan HACCP pada CV. Jezora Sidoarjo untuk Mendukung Sertifikasi Produk SNI 8372 : 2018 Roti Manis. [Undergraduate thesis]

Melianti, Melianti (2022) Perancangan Sistem Manajemen Pengukuran Indikator Kinerja Perpustakaan berdasarkan ISO 11620:2014 (Studi Kasus: Perpustakaan Universitas Surabaya). [Undergraduate thesis]

Motin, Mohammod Abdul and Pah, Nemuel Daniel and Kumar, Dinesh Kant (2022) Parkinson’s Disease Detection Using Smartphone Recorded Phonemes in Real World Conditions. IEEE Access, 10. pp. 97600-97609. ISSN 2169-3536


Novawanda, Olyvia and Suharjono, Clifton and Sentosa, Leonardy (2022) Implementasi Vehicle Routing Problem Spreadsheet Solver Pada Distribusi Beras. In: Sustainable Supply Chain For Circular Economy. Amara Books, Yogyakarta, pp. 127-134. ISBN 978-623-7042-81-5


Pamelia, Yunita (2022) Perancangan Aplikasi Contact Tracing Covid-19 Berdasarkan Aspek User Experience Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking. [Undergraduate thesis]

Universitas Surabaya (2022) Penggunaan Teknologi Blockchain, Internet Of Things, Dan Artificial Intelligent Untuk Mendukung Kota Cerdas. Studi Kasus: Supply Chain Industri Perikanan. EC00202209181.

Parung, Joniarto and Santoso, Amelia and Prayogo, Dina Natalia and Griselda, Felita and Tedjakusuma, Adi Prasetyo (2022) Multi-objective Location-Transportation Problem for Relief Distribution. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022), 19-20 May 2022, Surabaya, Indonesia (Offline).

Prasetya, Danny (2022) Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan dengan Pendekatan Servqual, Kano, dan Qfd Serta Perancangan Perbaikan Strategi Pemasaran di Ayam Bakar Pak ?EUR~d?EUR(TM) Sidoarjo. [Undergraduate thesis]

Pratama, Luis Diky (2022) Perbaikan Sistem Kerja dengan Metode Reba (rapid Entire Body Assessment) pada Operator Pembuatan Produk Jaeku Jahe Instant di Nc Food Wonosobo Jawa Tengah. [Undergraduate thesis]

Primayanti, Ni Putu Lilies (2022) Penerapan Lean Quality Management System Berbasis ISO 9001:2015 di PT. Talenta Putra Dewata, Badung-Bali. [Undergraduate thesis]

Putra, Noverta Brilly Leksana and Hapsari, Indri and Prayogo, Dina Natalia (2022) Inventory system improvement for poultry. In: AIP Conference Proceedings 2470, 3rd BIANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENGINEERING 2021 (InCITE 2021): Leveraging Smart Engineering, 25–26 August 2021, Surabaya, Indonesia (Online).

Putra, Octavian Dwi Bagus Permana (2022) Integrasi Structural Equation Modeling, Metode Servqual, Model Kano, dan Quality Function Deployment dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan di Satpas Polres Gresik. [Undergraduate thesis]


Ramadhan, Rakha Naufal (2022) Pengadaan dan Pengendalian Persediaan Spare Part Mesin pada Upt Industri dan Produk (upti) Kayu Pasuruan dengan Menggunakan Can-order Policy. [Undergraduate thesis]

Ramadhani, Rizqi (2022) Analisis Beban Kerja dengan Metode Workload Analysis (WLA) dan Rekomendasi Perbaikannya pada Karyawan Bagian Produksi Pembekuan Udang di PT. Rizqi Bahari Jaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Ramadhani, Rizqi (2022) Analisis Beban Kerja dengan Metode Workload Analysis (wla) dan Rekomendasi Perbaikannya pada Karyawan Bagian Produksi Pembekuan Udang di Pt. Rizqi Bahari Jaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi (2022) A Theoretical Framework for the Mediation Analysis on the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance. In: Proceedings of the 4th Asia Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC 2022), 18-20 May 2022, Jakarta, Indonesia (Hybrid).

Universitas Surabaya (2022) Laporan Kerja Praktek 1 PT. Kriya Modular Nusantara. EC00202272783.

Universitas Surabaya (2022) Laporan Kerja Praktik 1 PT. Wooden Head. EC00202272784.

Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi and Huang, Xueli and As-Saber, Sharif (2022) Integration of Corporate Social Responsibility for Improved Company Performance: Evidence from the Indonesian Manufacturing Industry. In: AIP Conference Proceedings 2470, 3rd BIANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENGINEERING 2021 (InCITE 2021): Leveraging Smart Engineering, 25–26 August 2021, Surabaya, Indonesia (Online).

Rinawiyanti, Esti Dwi and Xueli, Huana and As-Saber, Sharif N. (2022) Integrating corporate social responsibility into business functions and its impact on company performance: evidence from the Indonesian manufacturing industry. Social Responsibility Journal. ISSN 1747-1117

Rosiawan, Muhammad (2022) Implementing Outcome-Based Education in Accordance with ISO 21001 Requirements. Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022). pp. 1067-1077. ISSN 2352-5428

Rosiawan, Muhammad and Trisnawati, Juliani Dyah (2022) Penerapan SNI ISO 21001:2018 di Perguruan Tinggi. Direktorat Penerbitan & Publikasi Ilmiah - Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia. ISBN 978-623-6373-95-8


Santoso, Soni Hary and Parung, Joniarto (2022) Transformation of Traditional Manufacturing Company into Advance Manufacturing by Integrating Lean and Agile Manufacturing Concepts Case Study at PT. XYZ. In: Orca International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Industrial Engineering (OIC-MMIE) 2022, 22 Juni 2022, Bandung. (Submitted)

Saputra, M. Rifqi Wahyu (2022) Studi Kelayakan Pendirian Usaha Budidaya Udang Putih Vaname Menggunakan Sistem Bioflok di Lamongan. [Undergraduate thesis]

Sari, Josephine Permata and Parung, Joniarto (2022) Smart Contract in the Supply Chain – A Bibliometric Analysis and Review. In: Orca International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Industrial Engineering (OIC-MMIE) 2022, 22 June,2022, Bandung. (Submitted)

Sari, Yenny and Prasetyo, Vincentius Riandaru and Liyansah, Kevin (2022) Designing a Recommender System based on the Application of Decision Tree Algorithm in Data Mining with KNIME (For Recommending the Topic of Undergraduate’s Thesis). In: AIP Conference Proceedings 2470, 3rd BIANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, TECHNOLOGY, AND ENGINEERING 2021 (InCITE 2021): Leveraging Smart Engineering, 25–26 August 2021, Surabaya, Indonesia (Online).

Sari, Yenny and Wahyudi, Rahman Dwi and Anugrawan, Muhammad Obby (2022) Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Logistik Distributor Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Melalui Integrasi Service Quality, Kano, House of Quality (Perspektif Konsumen) dengan Competitive Profile dan Grand Strategy Matrix (Perspektif Manajemen Strategis). JIE (Journal of Industrial Engineering), 7 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2527-4139 (online); 2503-3670 (print)

Saylendra, Gusti Anandia (2022) Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Kereta Api Jarak Jauh Berdasarkan Integrasi Text Mining dengan Metode Railqual, Kano, Kansei Engineering, dan Quality Function Deployment (Studi Kasus PT. KAI DAOP 8 Surabaya). [Undergraduate thesis]

Saylendra, Gusti Anandia (2022) Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Kereta Api Jarak Jauh Berdasarkan Integrasi Text Mining dengan Metode Railqual, Kano, Kansei Engineering, dan Quality Function Deployment (studi Kasus Pt Kai Daop 8 Surabaya). [Undergraduate thesis]

Sucipto, Precious Ishak Ongko (2022) Perancangan dan Pengembangan Start-up Seporuto. [Undergraduate thesis]

Sudono, Felicia Jane (2022) Optimalisasi Lahan Depo Berdasarkan Throughput dan Aktivitas Layanan di PT. X Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Sugianto, Charles (2022) Integrasi Structural Equation Modeling, Markov Chain, dan Theory For Inventive Problem Solving dalam Pengelolaan Peningkatan Loyalitas Nasabah di Koperasi Bina Mitra Sejahtera Probolinggo, Jawa Timur. [Undergraduate thesis]

Susanto, Velicia Oktaviani and Parung, Joniarto (2022) Blockchain Technology in Wood Raw Material Supply Chain Management – A Bibliometric Analysis and Review. In: International Conference on Engineering Management and Sustainable Innovative Technologies (ICEMSIT) 2022, 3-4 November 2022, Bali. (Submitted)

Suweni, Yull Kenny Betma (2022) Perancangan Konsep-konsep Kebijakan Penanganan terhadap Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia Berdasarkan ISO 22320:2018. [Undergraduate thesis]


Trisnawati, Juliani Dyah and Rosiawan, Muhammad (2022) Incorporation of ISO 21001 and National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Criteria in Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022), 19-20 May 2022, Bali, Indonesia.


Wahyudi, Rahman Dwi and Singgih, Moses Laksono and Suef, Mokh (2022) Investigation of Product–Service System Components as Control Points for Value Creation and Development Process. Sustainability, 14 (3). 16216/1-23. ISSN 2071-1050

Wibisono, Eric and Martin, Iris and Prayogo, Dina Natalia (2022) Genetic Algorithm with Adaptive Diversification and Intensification for the Vehicle Routing Problem. In: 3rd biannual International Conference on Informatics, Technology, and Engineering 2021 (InCITE 2021), August 25-26, 2021, Surabaya (Online). (Submitted)


Yoga, Samana and Santoso, Amelia (2022) Healthcare SC dalam Disaster Operation di Indonesia: State of the Art. J@ti Undip: Jurnal Teknik Industri, 17 (3). pp. 157-167. ISSN 2502-1516

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