Items where Division is "Department of Management" and Year is 2021

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Number of items: 190.


-, Raniyah (2021) Pengaruh Timeliness Condition dan Availability Terhadap Customer Satisfaction dan Customer Loyalty pada Klik Indomaret. [Undergraduate thesis]


., Gabriella (2021) Implementasi Pengendalian Kualitas Dengan Metode Six Sigma Melalui Tahapan Dmaic Pada Produk Tahu Di Ud.jaya Abadi Situbondo. [Undergraduate thesis]


Alwiyah, Fatimah Nur (2021) Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser di Media Sosial Instagram terhadap Customers Attitude Toward Brand Ms Glow Beauty dan Customers Purchase Intention. [Undergraduate thesis]

Amargo, Cayline Tama Hut and Andajani, Erna and Trisnawati, Juliani Dyah (2021) Pengaruh Food Quality, Service Quality, Price-Value Ratio Terhadap Customer Satisfaction Dan Behavioral Intention. Jurnal SMART, 1 (1). 036-042.

Angelica, Shania (2021) Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Loyalitas Nasabah Bank Mandiri Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Anisa, Faradina (2021) Implementasi Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Gelangan Stainless Menggunakan Pendekatan PDCA dan Seven Tools pada CV Anugrah Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Aquarista, Novianty (2021) Pengaruh Institutional Pressure (ip) Terhadap Green Supply Chain Management (gscm) Practices dan Firm Performance pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Jawa Timur. [Undergraduate thesis]

Ardiansyahmiraja, Bobby and Nadlifatin, Reny and Persada, Satria Fadil and Prasetyo, Yogi Tri and Redi, A.A.N Perwira (2021) Learning from a distance during a pandemic outbreak: Factors affecting students' acceptance of distance learning during school closures due to COVID-19. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 12 (2). pp. 21-31.

Arsanda, Chendkya (2021) Pengaruh Corporate Governance terhadap Firm Performance pada Perusahaan Sektor Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) selama Periode 2013 - 2018. [Undergraduate thesis]

Astutik, Yayuk Dwi (2021) Pengaruh Supply Chain Practice dan Antecedents Of Cooperative Behavior terhadap Supply Chain Performance Efficiency pada Minimarket di Jawa Timur. [Undergraduate thesis]

Atdjas, Albertus Petrus (2021) Analisis Pengaruh Size, Growth, dan Profitability Terhadap Struktur Modal dan Pengaruh Size, Growth dan Profitability Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Yang di Moderasi oleh Struktur Modal pada Sektor Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar di BEI Periode 2015-2019. [Undergraduate thesis]

Azaria, Deliana and Murhadi, Werner Ria and Sutejo, Bertha Silvia (2021) Board Diversity And Financial Performance In Indonesia. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Business (JEB), 2 (2). pp. 86-95. ISSN 2721-706X


Bagaskara, Timotius Candra (2021) Faktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Visit Intention Pengunjung Pop! Hotels Di Indonesia:pendekatan Theory Of Planned Behavior. [Undergraduate thesis]

Beatrice, Vania and Murhadi, Werner Ria and Herlambang, Arif (2021) The effect of demographic factors on behavioral biases. Jurnal Siasat Bisnis, 25 (1). pp. 17-29. ISSN 0853-7666

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Pembuatan Tepung Pisang: Karya Rekaman. EC00202135779.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Pembuatan Banana Cake: Karya Rekaman Video. EC00202134343.

Bimantoro, Ardhi Nugroho (2021) Pengaruh Supply Chain Speed, Responsiveness, Flexibility dan Competence terhadap Profitability PT. Waskita Karya Tbk. [Undergraduate thesis]


Christianto, Adrian and Murhadi, Werner Ria and Wijaya, Liliana Inggrit (2021) Corporate Governance, Transparancy And Stock Return Synchronicity. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Business, 2 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2721-706X

Cumalasari, Putri Anatysia (2021) Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Trust, Attitudes, dan Intentions dalam Menggunakan Mobile Banking pada Nasabah Bank Rakyat Indonesia di Indonesia. [Undergraduate thesis]


Darmasetiawan, Noviaty Kresna (2021) The High-performance Work Environment and Employee Engagement to Face Changes in the Society 5.0 Era Millennial Workers. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Darmasetiawan, Noviaty Kresna (2021) Noviaty Kresna Darmasetiawan: Bangga Dan Berkarya Bagi Ubaya. In: Aku dan Ubaya: Female Ubayatizen Untold Story. Kosa Kata Kita, Jakarta, pp. 227-230.

Darshan, Christian (2021) Service Quality. [Undergraduate thesis]

Degitasari, Sheila Laxsmi (2021) Pengaruh Supply Chain Intergration terhadap Operational Performance pada Industri Makanan dan Minuman di Jawa Timur. [Undergraduate thesis]

Devi, Karina Vashti (2021) Pengaruh Service Quality dan Outcome Quality Terhadap Customer Loyalty Yang di Mediasi oleh Customer Satisfaction pada Hotel Bintang Tiga di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Penerapan New Normal Homestay Desa Bejijong Kecamatan Trowulan Kabupaten Mojokerto. EC00202134969.

Dotulong, Violinne Antonetha and Andajani, Erna and Rahayu, Siti (2021) The Effect of Price, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Image on Customer Loyalty on the Lion Air Indonesia Airline. In: The 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), 27-28 Mei 2021, On-line conference.


Febriyanti, Risna Mayang (2021) Analisis Pengaruh Dimensi Supply Chain Practice dan Antecedent Of Cooperative Behavior terhadap Supply Chain Performance Efficiency pada Bisnis UMKM di Jawa Timur. [Undergraduate thesis]

Ferdian, Jeffry Andreanto (2021) Pengaruh Generativity, Experience Expectation dan Motivation terhadap Visit Intention pada Museum Mojopahit Mojokerto. [Undergraduate thesis]

Ferdian, Jeffry Andreanto and Andajani, Erna and Rahayu, Siti (2021) Pengaruh Generativity, Experience Expectation dan Motivation Terhadap Visit Intention Pada Museum Mojopahit Mojokerto. Jurnal Widya Manajemen, 3 (1). pp. 97-106. ISSN 2655-9501

Fildzah, Ananda Sabrina (2021) Pengaruh Waiting Time terhadap Waiting Time Satisfaction dan Customer Satisfaction pada Dominos Pizza di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]


Geofany, Eveline Widas (2021) Pemasaran. [Undergraduate thesis]

Goenawan, Andy Ciputra (2021) Pengaruh Personnel Contact Quality, Timeliness, Order Condition, Order Discrepancy Handling, Operational Information Sharing Terhadap Customer Satisfaction Jt Indonesia. [Undergraduate thesis]

Gunawan, Alviona Allencia and Natalia, Irene Cahya and Febriati, Priskadina and Hartono, Vicky Viriyananda and Pangendaheng, Nathalia Angelica and Irwan, Fenesia Debby and Andajani, Erna (2021) Online Repurchase Intention: Empirical Study on The Fashion Market Shopee. Widya Manajemen, 3 (2). pp. 150-165. ISSN 2655-9501


H., Septiandrika Vinisindya (2021) Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Customer Satisfaction dan Revisit Intention pada Restoran Domicile Kitchen Lounge Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Hadi, Aga Yuwantoro (2021) Pengaruh Service Quality Terhadap Customer Satisfaction dan Behavioral Intentions pada Fast Food Restaurant Carls Jr Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Hadi, Faizal Susilo and Liftyawan, Kharis Septina (2021) The Influence of Distributive Justice and Procedural Justice in Job Satisfaction Through Perceived Organizational Supports (Case Study in GOJEK Surabaya). In: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Masker Anti UV Dari Ekstrak Bengkoang. EC00202135778.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Pembuatan Minuman Instan Kunyit Asam. EC00202135777.

Hapsari, Qonita (2021) Peran Performance Appraisal terhadap Efektivitas Organisasional PT Petronika. [Undergraduate thesis]

Hardianto, Ade Manggala and Basuki, Basuki and Soeherman, Bonnie (2021) Building A Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility Conceptual Model Based on Harmonic Cosmological Philosophy and Priest Heliocentric Al Ghazali. In: Proceedings of the 7th Regional Accounting Conference (KRA 2020), 20-21 October 2020, Malang.

Hariadi, Sugeng and Rahayu, Siti (2021) Determinants of Online Purchase Intention in Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Hariyanto, Aletta and Anandya, Dudi (2021) The significance of service quality on customer loyalty with corporate image and customer satisfaction as mediators. Journal of Management and Business, 20 (2). pp. 97-116. ISSN 24771783

Hariyanto, Ivenna Petricia (2021) Pengaruh Other Customers Chefs Image, Service Quality, Atmospherics, Food Quality, dan Emotions terhadap Loyalty pada Restoran Teppan House Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Harsari, Dara Genvil Aldania (2021) Pengaruh Trust, Convenience, Customer Service, Attitude, Subjective Norm terhadap Minat Beli Online Shop Zalora di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Universitas Surabaya (2021) ICOV Brand Video: Karya Rekaman Video. EC00202132895.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Karya Tulis ICOV. EC00202130712.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Inovasi Dating Platform Found U: Karya Rekaman Video. EC00202134111.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Laporan Studi Kelayakan Bisnis PT Temukan Pasanganmu. EC00202130710.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Covid Catering. EC00202130960.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Covid Catering: Karya Rekaman Video. EC00202132877.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Covkit 2 In 1. EC00202130570.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Inovasi Covkit 2 In 1. EC00202132876.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) CV. Kang Utama: Aplikasi Fix.It. EC00202130699.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Inovasi Aplikasi Fix.It: Karya Rekaman Video. EC00202132894.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Business Model Canvas Soteria. EC00202108478.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Heachi-Heachi. EC00202108477.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Aplikasi AloHairCut. EC00202111611.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Business Model Canvas VX PROPS. EC00202111616.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Clean & Clean. EC00202111612.

Hidayah, Refa Nur (2021) Pengaruh Supply Logistics Integration terhadap Competitive Performance dengan Inbound Supply Performance dan Lean Production Processes sebagai Mediasi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Sidoarjo. [Undergraduate thesis]


Irawan, Robby (2021) Analisa Penggunaan Servqual dalam Menentukan Generasi Y pada Hotel Ombak Sunset di Gili Trawangan Lombok. [Undergraduate thesis]

Islamy, Muhamad Reza (2021) Pengaruh Perceived Service Quality, Perceived Value, Destination Image, Attitude To Visiting Behaviour, Tourist Satisfaction, Terhadap Tourist Loyalty Pantai Teluk Ijo di Banyuwangi. [Undergraduate thesis]


Julio, Bryan and Anandya, Dudi and Indarini, Indarini and Mutiara, Freddy (2021) How are Buying Intentions in a Marketplace Formed? An acceptance of New Technology in Young People. In: The 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), 29 Mei 2021, Digiseminar.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Gedhang Sari. EC00202134344.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Motif Batik Kopi Wirasta. EC00202180134.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Motif Batik Kopi Tilem. EC00202144360.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Pemanfaatan Limbah Perca Dengan Teknik Fabric Twine. EC00202154056.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Pemanfaatan Limbah Perca Dengan Teknik Yoyo. EC00202154057.


Kamala, Komang Yudhi and Rahardja, Christina and Pratono, Aluisius Hery (2021) How is the Attitude of Japanese Millennial’s toward Indonesian Rattan Furniture? In: 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Kantasilo, Tan, Devi (2021) Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance terhadap Financial Performance pada Perusahaan Sektor Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dan Bursa Malaysia Tahun 2015-2019. [Undergraduate thesis]

Karsana, Wayan and Murhadi, Werner Ria (2021) Effect Of Service Quality And Patient Satisfaction On Behavioral Intention. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Business, 2 (1). pp. 25-36. ISSN 2721-706X

Kevin, Kevin and Anandya, Dudi (2021) The Effect Of Service Quality, Perceived Value, And Customer Trust Towards Customer Loyalty On Online Transportation Gojek In Surabaya. Journal Manajemen dan Bisnis (MABIS), 20 (1). pp. 45-60. ISSN 1412-3789

Kharisma, Shelina Vidia (2021) Pengaruh Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Accessibility, dan Atm Service terhadap Customer Satisfaction dan Customer Loyalty Pt. Bank Central Asia Tbk di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Koputra, Tomy and Mahadwartha, Putu Anom (2021) Herding Behavior Detection: Bullish And Bearish Cases. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Kulachai, Waiphot and Vuttivoradit, Suebsawad and Tedjakusuma, Adi Prasetyo and Homyamyen, Patipol (2021) Organizational Effectiveness: A Second-order Confirmatory Factor Analysis. In: The 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Kusuma, Junjun Junior (2021) Rancangan 5S pada Toko Sinar Alfa Kecamatan Sape. [Undergraduate thesis]

Kusumawardhany, Prita Ayu (2021) The Role of Youtubers on Covid-19 Prevention Products’ Purchase Intention in the New Normal Era. In: 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), 27- 29 Mei 2021, Kota Surabaya.

Kusumawardhany, Prita Ayu and Dewi, Ardhia Deasy Rosita and Iswadi, Hazrul and Widjaja, M.E. Lanny Kusuma and Hoan, Hannathasya (2021) Tanaman Malaikat dari Trawas Indonesia, Ashitaba (Seledri Jepang). Direktorat Penerbitan & Publikasi Ilmiah Universitas Surabaya. ISBN 978-623-6539-99-6

Kusumawardhany, Prita Ayu and Iswadi, Hazrul and Dewi, Ardhia Deasy Rosita and Widjaja, M.E. Lanny Kusuma (2021) Pengembangan Creative Thinking Pada Produk Ashitaba (Seledri Jepang) Di Masa Normal Baru. In: Semnas Abdimas 2021, 9 Agustus 2021, Surabaya.


L., Shanice Doelitzsch (2021) Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Brand Loyalty Fast Fashion Merek HM pada Mahasiswa di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Leonardo, Jose (2021) Green Image Dan Green Hotel di Surabaya: Intensi dalam Membuat Ulasan pada Akomodasi dengan Konsep Berkelanjutan. [Undergraduate thesis]

Lianto, Rendy (2021) Pengaruh Service Quality Terhadap Customer Satisfaction pada Mobile Banking Bca di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Lucky, Johan Dwi Saputra (2021) Supply Chain Management. [Undergraduate thesis]


Mahendra, Kurniawan (2021) Pengaruh Social Presence, Social Commerce Trust, Commitment Terhadap Loyalty Pada Toko Bubble Tea Yang Melakukan Promosi Produk Menggunakan Media Instagram Di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Manurung, Yulius Elyanton (2021) Analisis Penerapan Manajemen Relasi Berbasis Guan Xi pada Divisi Dealer Olx Autos Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Pembuatan Minuman Segar Ginger Boba. EC00202134345.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Pembuatan Natural Jelly. EC00202134954.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Desa Wisata Berbasis Kearifan Lokal 2020. EC00202137451.

Megawati, Veny and Hananto, Hari and Benarkah, Njoto and Juniati, Ninik (2021) Keberlangsungan Dan Pengembangan Desa Wisata Bejijong Kecamatan Trowulan Kabupaten Mojokerto. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SEMNAS ABDIMAS 2021), 9 Agustus 2021, Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Tea pot Set Kamandalu. A00202003641.

Megawati, Veny and Rahayu, Siti and Subali, Stefanus Budy Widjaja and Widjaja, Fitri Novika (2021) The Attitudes of Local Communities Towards Sustainable Development and Development of Ketapan Rame Tourist Village, Mojokerto. In: International Symposium on Management 18th: Redefining the Business Management Paradigm Using Technological Innovation in the Society 5.0 Era, 27-28 Mei 2021, Online.

Mettana, Jessica and Mahadwartha, Putu Anom and Sutejo, Bertha Silvia (2021) Good Corporate Governance Leverage Dan Firm Size Terhadap Financial Distress Pada Sektor Perdagangan, Jasa Dan Investasi. Calyptra : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Universitas Surabaya, 9 (2). ISSN 2715-6419

Muhammad, Devanda and Marciano, Deddy and Ernawati, Endang (2021) The Effect of Gender Diversity on the Board of Commissioner to Stock Liquidity of Non-Financial Firms Listed in LQ45 During 2013-2017. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Murhadi, Werner Ria (2021) THE EFFECTS OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON COMPANY PERFORMANCE AND DIVIDENDS IN THREE ASEAN COUNTRIES. Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, 36 (2). pp. 230-242. ISSN 2503-4464

Murhadi, Werner Ria (2021) The influence of corporate governance on firm value: a case study in Indonesian manufacturing industry. BISMA (Bisnis dan Manajemen), 14 (1). pp. 15-26. ISSN 2549-7790


Nadhif, Muhammad Afif and Widjaja, Fitri Novika and Kusumawardhany, Prita Ayu (2021) Factors Affecting Brand Equity in Batu Tourism City. In: International Symposium on Management ke-18 (Insyma 18), 27 Mei 2021, Mataram, Lombok.

Nathania, Levina and Indarini, Indarini and Anandya, Dudi (2021) The Effects of External Factors on Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Attitude Towards Use, and Behavioral Intention of Older Adults in Indonesia. In: International Symposium on Management 18th: Redefining the Business Management Paradigm Using Technological Innovation in the Society 5.0 Era, 27-28 Mei 2021, Online.

Nicholaus, Vincentius (2021) Relationship Management. [Undergraduate thesis]

Nugorho, Hilman Asyraf (2021) Pengaruh Environmental Scanning, Supply Chain Integration, dan Supply Chain Responsiveness terhadap Operational Performance pada Manufaktur Firm di Pulau Jawa. [Undergraduate thesis]

Nursela, Tri Ana Gita and Marciano, Deddy and Herlambang, Arif (2021) Pengaruh Board Structure Dan Ownership Structure Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan Sektor Non Keuangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2015-2019. Calyptra : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Universitas Surabaya, 9 (2). ISSN 2715-6419


Oktavia, Ni Made Laksmi (2021) Analisis Faktor Tingkat Loyalitas Pelanggan Terhadap Merek Bernardi. Jurnal Manajemen, Bisnis dan Organisasi (JUMBO, 5 (2). pp. 294-308. ISSN 2502-4175

Ong, Ardvin Kester S. and Prasetyo, Yogi Tri and Picazo, Kerr Lorenzo and Salvador, Kim Aaron and Ardiansyahiraja, Bobby and Kurata, Yoshiki B. and Chuenyindee, Thanatorn and Nadlifatin, Reny and Anak Redi, Agung Ngurah Perwira and Young, Michael Nayat (2021) Gym-Goers Preference Analysis of Fitness Centers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Conjoint Analysis Approach for Business Sustainability. Sustainability, 13 (18). p. 10481. ISSN 2071-1050


Perkasa, M. Denmas Alif (2021) Proses Pembelian Bahan Baku Impor PT. Maspion Elektronik Sidoarjo. [Undergraduate thesis]

Pramono, Dwi Sigit (2021) Millenials' Online Shopping Intentions Of Products In Advertising On Instagram. In: The Third International Conference on Religious and Cultural Sciences (INCRECS 3), 9 December 2021, Malang. (In Press)

Pranoto, Andy Chandra (2021) Service Quality. [Undergraduate thesis]

Pratama, Mokhamad Favian Rizki and Andajani, Erna and Rahayu, Siti (2021) Peran Komunikasi E-Word Of Mouth Terhadap Visit Intention Objek Wisata. Imanensi: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi Islam, 6 (2). pp. 117-124. ISSN 2339-1847 (print); 2684-9968 (online)

Pratiwi, Refinda Ayu (2021) Pengaruh Customers Expectation, Perceived Enjoyment Perceived Ease of Use, Satisfaction terhadap Repurchase Intention Second Hand Product di Shopee Indonesia. [Undergraduate thesis]

Priscila, Erlin (2021) Pengaruh E-wom pada Situs Jejaring Sosial terhadap Brand Image dan Purchase Intention Produk Smartphone di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Purwanto, Nurfathan Hasbiy and Rahayu, Siti and Andajani, Erna (2021) Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Word Of Mouth Intention Pelanggan Pada Tempat Makan Masakan Khas Jawa Di Surabaya. Jurnal Manajerial, 8 (1). pp. 37-53. ISSN 2354-8592; E-ISSN : 2621-5055

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Desain Industri: Jam Dinding Triplek. IDD0000061572.

Putra, Gilbert Wahyudi (2021) Pengaruh Service Quality, Corporate Image, Trust, Value dan Satisfaction terhadap Customer Loyalty Nasabah Bank Mandiri di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Putra, Ken Indo (2021) Pengaruh Environmental Scanning, Suplly Chain Integration dan Supply Chain Responsiveness Terhadap Operational Performance pada Ndustri Makanan dan Minuman di Jawa Timur. [Undergraduate thesis]

Putri, Pricyllia Herfianty (2021) Pengaruh Brand Image, Perceived Price, Trust, dan Perceived Value terhadap Purchase Intentions pada Go-Food Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]


Rachman, B. and Darmasetiawan, Noviaty Kresna and Nugroho, J.L. Eko (2021) Employee engagement and organizational performance in the new normal era: A case study of companies with millennial generation employees. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2020), 25-27 November 2020, Surabaya.

Rahayu, Siti and Hariadi, Sugeng (2021) Brand Equity of Banyuwangi as a Natural Tourism Destination. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Rahayu, Siti and Hariadi, Sugeng (2021) Intention to use E-wallet during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2020), 25-27 November 2020, Surabaya.

Rahayu, Siti and Hariadi, Sugeng (2021) Youtube Contents Effect on Destination Visit Intentions an Empirical study in Indonesia. In: The 3rd International Conference on Banking, Accounting, Management and Economics (ICOBAME 2020).

Rahman, Rifqi Hasbur (2021) Operator Jaringan Seluler. [Undergraduate thesis]

Rahmatullah, Arief and Mahadwartha, Putu Anom and Ernawati, Endang (2021) The Effect Of Ramadan Month On Stock Return And Volatility Of A Sharia-Based Index. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Business (JEB), 2 (2). pp. 119-133. ISSN 2721-706X

Ramadhani, Adita (2021) Pengaruh Shopping Motivations, Privacy, Trust Terhadap Attitude dan Online Purchase Intention pada Konsumen E-commerce Lazada di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Renaldi, Arthur (2021) Pengaruh Post Purchase Experience terhadap Customer Satisfaction dalam Belanja Online di Zalora. [Undergraduate thesis]

Reynaldi, Jonathan (2021) Pengaruh Omni-channel Logistics Service Quality terhadap Customer Satisfaction dan Customer Loyalty pada Ace Hardware Indonesia di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Rudiansyah, Allisya Vira Auzura (2021) Pengaruh Guanxi terhadap Operational Performance yang Dimediasi oleh Integrasi Rantai Pasok BCA Kanwil VII Kepada Para Stakeholder. [Undergraduate thesis]

Rusdiyanto, Johny (2021) Design Of Incentive Setting System Based On Key Performance Indicator (KPI) And Individual Performance Assessment Of Employees In Organization “A”, Surabaya. The International Tecnology Management Review. ISSN 1835-5269 (Submitted)


SUSANTO, WILLIAM (2021) Pamutaran By Festival Bali. [Undergraduate thesis]

Santoso, Hendra Gilbiyanto (2021) Factors that Cause the Intention to Continue Using the Traveloka Mobile Application. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal), 4 (4). pp. 11818-11833. ISSN 2615-1715(Print); 2615-3076 (Online)

Saraswati, Sonia Gita (2021) Pengaruh Brand Trust pada Brand Loyalty Konsumen Kopi Kenangan Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Sarengat, Livia Marsha and Mahadwartha, Putu Anom (2021) The Effect of Technology Acceptance Model and Internet Usage Factory to Financial Literacy of Active User of Financial Technology Application Among Millennial Generation. Business and Finance Journal, 6 (2). pp. 119-126. ISSN 2527-4872; e-ISSN: 2477-493X

Sarengat, Livia Marsha and Mahadwartha, Putu Anom (2021) The Effect of Technology Acceptance Model and Internet Usage Factory to Financial Literacy of Active User of Financial Technology Application Among Millennial Generation. Business and Finance Journal, 6 (2). pp. 119-126. ISSN 2527-4872; e-ISSN: 2477-493X

Satrianto, Steffani Echa (2021) Motivasi dan Hambatan dalam Purchasing Online dan Understanding Customer Responses pada Lazada Indonesia. [Undergraduate thesis]

Sentoso, Diah Harjaningtyas and Andajani, Erna and Rahayu, Siti (2021) Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan dan Pengalaman Konsumen Terhadap Loyalitas Destinasi Jamaah Umroh(Impact of Service Quality and Consumer Experience to Destination Loyalty Umrah Pilgrims). Akuntansi Bisnis dan Manajemen (ABM), 28 (2). pp. 29-36. ISSN 0854-4190; E-ISSN 2685-3965

Setiawan, Rocky Armando (2021) Pengaruh Logistics Capabilities terhadap Customer Satisfaction Melalui Logistics Service Quality pada PT Kawi Indah Express di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Setyawan, Andhy and Noermijati, Noermijati and Sunaryo, Sunaryo and Aisjah, Siti (2021) What Enhances the Consumer Utility Function on Environmentally Friendly Products? The Role of Message Framing in Marketing Communications. In: 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), 27- 29 May 2021, Online.

Siaga, Elita Fradia (2021) Pengaruh Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivation dan Habit terhadap Behavioral Intention dan Use Behavior pada Pengguna Mobile Payment OYO di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Sihombing, Doli Tua Fernando (2021) Customer Satisfaction Terhadap Behavioural Intention pada Jokopi. [Undergraduate thesis]

Silalahi, Marwin Antonius Rejeki (2021) Edukasi Startup Finance Technology Di Indonesia Mengacu Pada POJK No. 77 / POJK.01 / 2016. In: Seminar Nasional Abdimas 2021, 9 Agustus 2021, Zoom (Online). (In Press)

Silalahi, Marwin Antonius Rejeki and Silalahi, Siska Amonalisa and Silalahi, Marwan Carlos Sahatdotua (2021) Factors Affecting Return On Assets In IDX-Listed. Almana: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis, 5 (3). pp. 392-398. ISSN 2579-4892 print; 2655-8327 online

Siswanto, Geraldo Paylino (2021) Rancangan 5S pada Toko Listrik X di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Soesanto, Angeline and Murhadi, Werner Ria and Herlambang, Arif (2021) Reaction of Stock Price on Dividend Announcements. In: The 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Suryaningsih, Ajeng Paramitha (2021) Pengaruh Attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control dan Environmental Concern terhadap Purchase Intention pada Green Product Tumbler di Surabaya : Pendekatan TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior). [Undergraduate thesis]

Susanto, Joseph and Marciano, Deddy and Herlambang, Arif (2021) Multidimensional Internationalization Speed and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Indonesian Manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Sutandyo, Belinda Dewi (2021) Pengaruh Faktor Kualitas dan Harga dalam Pembentukan Behavioral Intentions Pelanggan Pada KFC di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Sutejo, Bertha Silvia and Silalahi, Marwin Antonius Rejeki (2021) Correlation Analysis Among Innovation, Risk-taking, Competitive Aggressiveness, and Proactiveness on Company Performance in the Covid-19 Situation. In: The 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Sutejo, Bertha Silvia and Silalahi, Marwin Antonius Rejeki (2021) Mengukur kinerja keuangan pada UKM akibat pandemi Covid-19. Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, 20 (2). pp. 135-144. ISSN 1411-9293; e-ISSN 2579-4094

Sutejo, Bertha Silvia and Silalahi, Marwin Antonius Rejeki (2021) Mengukur kinerja keuangan pada UKM akibat pandemi Covid-19. Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, 20 (2). pp. 135-144. ISSN 1411-9293

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Panduan Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Surabaya Edisi 2 Tahun 2021. EC00202112209.


Tan, Sandra Natalia (2021) Service Quality. [Undergraduate thesis]

Tandelilin, Elsye (2021) The Role Of Government Support On Entrepreneurs Success In Micro And Small Enterprises In Surabaya. In: International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM) 2021, December 18, 2021, Hotel Century Park Senayan, Jakarta. (In Press)

Tandelilin, Elsye (2021) The role of government support in entrepreneurs' success in the context of micro and small enterprises in Surabaya. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2020), 25-27 November 2020, Surabaya.

Tandelilin, Elsye and Ratmawati, Dwi and Agustina, Tri Siwi (2021) An exploration of ethnic entrepreneurial values and characteristics in MSEs. BISMA (Bisnis dan Manajemen), 13 (2). pp. 148-162. ISSN 2549-7790 (Online); ISSN 1979-7192 (Print)

Tanita, Alya Farras (2021) Implementasi 5s dalam Meningkatkan Efisiensi Kerja pada Bengkel Ahass Wadung Asri. [Undergraduate thesis]

Tedjakusuma, Adi Prasetyo and Rudenko, Slavomir (2021) How Countries Deal with the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Indonesia and Slovakia. In: The 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Tjandra, Cynthia Kartika and Murhadi, Werner Ria and Herlambang, Arif (2021) The determinants of working capital management in Indonesia and the Philippines. Jurnal Siasat Bisnis, 26 (1). pp. 110-120. ISSN 0853-7666 (print), 2528-7001 (online)

Trikadibusana, Anindya Angelina and Secapramana, Laurentia Verina Halim (2021) Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Purchase Intention Generasi Milenial Pada Produk Pangan Organik. Administrasi dan Manajemen, 11 (1). pp. 74-82. ISSN 2623-1719

Trisnawati, Juliani Dyah (2021) Service Recovery Pada Hotel Swiss-Belinn. In: Seminar Nasional Manajemen (Senim 6), 5-6 Oktober 2021, Universitas Negeri Surabaya.

Tusiyanto, Anastasia Julia (2021) Perceived Value, Trust, dan Purchase Intention Makanan Organik di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]


Wannarak, Junphen and Homyamyen, Patipol and Trisit, Thititana and Kulachai, Waiphot and Tedjakusuma, Adi Prasetyo (2021) The Linkage Among Demographic Factors, Perceived Mindful Marketing, and the Purchase Intention of Hand-weaving Products Customers. In: The 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), May 27-28, 2021, on-line conference.

Whendriati, Salsabila Azmy (2021) Pengaruh Supplier Integration dan Customer Integration Terhadap Operational Performance dengan Internal Integration Sebagai Mediasi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Jawa Timur. [Undergraduate thesis]

Wibisono, Yisreel Kristianto (2021) Pengaruh Orientasi Kewirausahaan terhadap Kinerja Internasional Usaha Menengah di Surabaya dengan Orientasi Pasar dan Kemampuan Jaringan sebagai Mediasi. [Undergraduate thesis]

Wicaksono, Mahendra Derap (2021) Pengaruh Supply Chain Integration terhadap Operational Performance dalam Industri Makanan dan Minuman di Indonesia. [Undergraduate thesis]

Widjaja, Fitri Novika and Setyawan, Antonius Budhiman (2021) The Effect Of Technological And Behavioral On The Adoption Of The Shopeepay Mobile Payment. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Business, 2 (2). pp. 106-118. ISSN 2721-706X

Widjaja, M.E. Lanny Kusuma (2021) Strategic Orientation and Human Resources Management in Public Sector Organizations in the Society 5.0 Era. In: 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), 27- 29 May 2021, Online.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Hasil Wawancara Manager Collection PT Pakuwon Jati. EC00202147072.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Butterfly Effect Sebagai Solusi Mental Health & Safety|Kelompok 12 KP D SKB Semester Gasal 2021/2022. EC00202178574.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Sistem Informasi Pada PT. Indomarco Prismatama (Indomaret). EC00202158322.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) ICARE Sebagai Solusi Menjaga Kesehatan Dan Kebersihan | Kelompok 7 KP A SKB Semester Gasal 2021/2022. EC00202178631.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Sistem Informasi Manajemen Zara. EC00202157883.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Inovasi Connect Health Solusi Diet Dimasa Pandemi Kelompok 14 KP E SKB Semester Gasal 2020/2021. EC00202180416.

Wijaya, Liliana Inggrit and Eriandani, Rizky and Zunairoh, Zunairoh (2021) How Does Monitoring Mechanism Work to Avoid Idiosyncratic Risk? The Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 48 (8). pp. 255-264. ISSN 1674-2974

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Inovasi PO Your PreOrder Solution Kelompok 6 KP F SKB Semester Genap 2020/2021: Karya Rekaman Video. EC00202133380.

Wijaya, Liliana Inggrit and Herlambang, Arif and Mone, Willi Brodus The (2021) The Effects of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Manufacturing Sector Companies on the Indonesia and Philippines Stock Exchanges. In: The 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), 29 Mei 2021, Digiseminar.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Inovasi SalonKu Sebagai Solusi Kemudahan Perawatan Diri Kelompok 4 KP D SKB Semester Gasal 2021/2022. EC00202178565.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) AutoDrivethru: Karya Rekaman Video. EC00202134965.

Wijaya, Liliana Inggrit and Narsa, I. Made and Irwanto, Andry and Setiawan, Rahmat (2021) Are investors' desires for dividend increases stronger than dividend initiation? International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 14 (6). pp. 559-579. ISSN online 1742-755X; ISSN print 1742-7541

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Sahabat Sehatmu. EC00202178597.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Sistem Informasi Manajemen (Competitive Advantage) PT. Indofood. EC00202157491.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Manager's Relationship With Unilever Stakeholders: Karya Rekaman Video. EC00202147071.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Sistem Informasi Manajemen Dari Perusahaan Tokopedia. EC00202157887.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) Choco Solusi Kolesterol Tinggi Masyarakat Indonesia Kelompok 9 KP B SKB Semester Gasal 2021/2022. EC00202178600.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) KARU: Karya Rekaman Video. EC00202134966.

Universitas Surabaya (2021) UVC Sterilizing Box: Karya Rekaman Video. EC00202134967.

Wijaya, Liliana Inggrit and Zunairoh, Zunairoh (2021) Heuristics Behavior of Stock Investors on the Indonesian Stock Exchange During the Covid-19 Pandemic. In: The 18th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2021), 27-28 Mei 2021, Digiseminar.

Wiranata, Viector (2021) Penggunaan Metode Planogram sebagai Dasar Tata Letak Rak Toko Homart di Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

Wong, Jerry (2021) Pengaruh Service Quality, Food Quality, dan Price terhadap Customer Satisfaction pada Restoran Cepat Saji Pizza Hut Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]

winter, Natalie and Murhadi, Werner Ria and Utami, Mudji (2021) The Effect Of Good Corporate Governance And Foreign Ownership As A Moderating Variables On The Board Interlocking On Financial Performance. Journal of Management and Business, 20 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 2477-1783


Yoanita, Annabela (2021) Pengaruh Internal Integration, Supplier Integration, Customer Integration, Product Quality, dan Financial Performance pada Umkm Makanan dan Minuman di Kalimantan Timur. [Undergraduate thesis]

Yosella, Ollyvia Christadila Inka (2021) Pengaruh Logistic Location terhadap Operational Performance dalam Logistic JNE di Jawa Timur. [Undergraduate thesis]

Yovita, Yovita and Marciano, Deddy (2021) Capital investment, internationalization, and firm performance: An empirical study of listed manufacturing firms in the Indonesian stock exchange in 2014–2019. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2020), 25-27 November 2020, Surabaya.

Yuwono, Patricia Kelly (2021) The Effect of Customer Based Corporate Reputation, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Customer Commitment Towards Customer Citizenship Behavior of Xiaomi's Smartphone's Customer in Surabaya. In: The Third International Conference on Religious and Cultural Sciences (INCRECS 3), 9 December 2021, Malang. (Submitted)


Zunairoh, Zunairoh and Wijaya, Liliana Inggrit (2021) The Religiosity Mechanism on Political Connections in the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Journal of Hunan University Natural Science, 48 (6). pp. 189-199. ISSN 1674-2974

This list was generated on Mon Feb 17 00:39:52 2025 WIB.