Items where Division is "Department of Electrical Engineering" and Year is 2014

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Number of items: 17.


CHRISTOPHORUS, BUYUNG (2014) Alat Ukur Kesetimbangan untuk Rancang Bangun Kerangka Quadrotor. [Undergraduate thesis]


DARMALIPUTRA, ALBERT (2014) Pembuatan Web Server Berbasis Raspberry PI untuk Control Lampu dan AC. [Undergraduate thesis]

Darminto, Hendi Wicaksono Agung and Yusuf, Yohanes Gunawan and Olifianto, Bagus and Haryanto, Leonardie (2014) Neural Network Backpropagation vs Fuzzy-PID Controller Based On Quadcopter Altitude Lock using Sonar Sensor. In: Seminar Nasional Teknologi Terapan SV UGM 2014, 15 November 2014, Sekolah Vokasi UGM, Yogyakarta.

Darminto, Hendi Wicaksono Agung and Yusuf, Yohanes Gunawan and Yodinata, Arbil (2014) Altitude Lock Design for QuadCopter Using Sonar Based on Fuzzy Controller. In: 6th Digital Information System Conference (DISC 2014), 3-4 Oktober 2014, Bandung.


Indrawati, Veronica and Gunawan, Yudianto (2014) PENGGUNAAN ALGORITMA LEARNING VECTOR QUANTIZATION DALAM MENGENALI SUARA MANUSIA UNTUK KENDALI QUADROTOR. Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi (Sentika 2014). ISSN 2089-9813


lndrawati, Veronica and Gunawan, Yudianto (2014) Penggunaan Algoritma Learning Vector Quantization Dalam Mengenali Suara Manusia Untuk Kendali Quadrotor. Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi (Sentika 2014). ISSN 2089-9813


OESNAWI, EDWARD (2014) Perancangan Sistem Pengontrolan Lampu Dan AC Yang Terintegrasi Secara Nirkabel Berbasis Low Cost Dan Low Power Radio Frequency. [Undergraduate thesis]


P, GARRY HADINATA P (2014) Pembuatan Robot Warehouse Industri dengan 4 DOF Menggunakan PLC. [Undergraduate thesis]

Pah, Nemuel Daniel (2014) T-wave identification in ECG Signal using Symmetric Distance Coefficient. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 9 (22). pp. 15353-15360. ISSN 0973-4562

Prayitno, Agung and Indrawati, Veronica (2014) Model AR.Drone Dengan Indoor dan Outdoor Hull. In: CITEE 2014-The 6th Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, 7-8 Oktober 2014, Yogyakarta.

Prayitno, Agung and Indrawati, Veronica (2014) Perancangan dan Analisa Performansi Fuzzy Control dan H-Infinity Control Trajectory Tracking AR.Drone Quadrotor. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Prayitno, Agung and Indrawati, Veronica and Utomo, Gabriel (2014) Trajectory Tracking of AR.Drone Quadrotor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 12 (4). pp. 819-828. ISSN 1693-6930, e-ISSN: 2302-9293


TANTO, STEVEN (2014) Estimasi Parameter Model Height-Roll-Pitch-Yaw AR Drone dengan Least Square Method. [Undergraduate thesis]

Tarigan, Elieser and Djuwari, Djuwari and Kartikasari, Fitri Dwi (2014) Techno-Economic Simulation of a Grid-Connected PV System Design as Specifically Applied to Residential in Surabaya, Indonesia. In: The 3rd Indonesia EBTKE-ConEx, 4-6 Juni 2014, Jakarta.

Tarigan, Elieser and Djuwari, Djuwari and Purba, Lasman (2014) Assessment of PV Power Generation for Household in Surabaya Using SolarGISā€“pvPlanner Simulation. Energy Procedia, 47. pp. 85-93. ISSN 1876-6102


Widodo, Budiharto and Bayu, Kanigoro and Margaretha, Ohyver and Muhsin, Shodiq and Cecilia, Nugraheni and Resmana, Lim and Darminto, Hendi Wicaksono Agung (2014) Obstacles Avoidance For Intelligent Telepresence Robot Using Interval Type-2 FLC. ICIC Express Letters, 8 (3). pp. 821-827. ISSN 1881-803X


Yusuf, Yohanes Gunawan and Darminto, Hendi Wicaksono Agung (2014) Analisis Sistem Kontrol PID, Fuzzy, T2-Fuzzy Pada Sistem AutoLevelling QuadCopter Berbasis Sensor Ultrasonik, Sensor Barometer, Image Processing. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya.

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