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Murhadi, Werner Ria (2013) Pengaruh idiosyncratic risk dan likuiditas saham terhadap return saham. Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 15 (1). pp. 33-40. ISSN 1411-1438
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Murhadi, Werner Ria and Tanugara, Felicia and Sutejo, Bertha Silvia (2018) The influence of good corporate governance on financial distress. In: International Symposium on Management 15, 01 March 2018, Burapha, Thailand.
Murhadi, Werner Ria and Wijaya, Sheila Citra and Utami, Mudji (2017) ANALISIS FAMA FRENCH FIVE FACTOR MODEL DAN THREE FACTOR MODEL DALAM MENJELASKAN RETURN PORTOFOLIO. In: Proceedings Roundtable for Indonesian Entrepreneurship Educators Ke - 5. USU Press, Medan, pp. 9-29. ISBN 979 - 458 - 975 - 6
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