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Haribalan, Perumalsamy and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Ranjan, Anuj and Dubey, Akhilesh and Mahadev, Manohar and Elsadek, Mohamed Farouk and Almutairi, Saeedah Musaed and Sohn, Daewon and Renukadevi, Balusamy Sri (2025) Structural isomers of carene persuade apoptotic cell death by inhibiting cell cycle in breast cancer cells: An in silico and in vitro approach. Tissue and Cell, 93 (102701). pp. 1-17. ISSN 00408166, 15323072
Harini, Noor and Han, Ya Xi and Sukweenadhi, Johan (2021) The Role of Calcium Ions to Improve Activity of Chitinase Isolated from Vibrio sp. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 14 (5). pp. 925-931. ISSN 1995-6673 (In Press)
Harwanto, Dicky and Negara, Bertoka Fajar Surya Perwira and Tirtawijaya, Gabriel and Meinita, Maria Dyah Nur and Choi, Jae-Suk (2022) Evaluation of Toxicity of Crude Phlorotannins and Phloroglucinol Using Different Model Organisms. Toxins, 14 (5). p. 312. ISSN 2072-6651
Hendrajaya, Kusuma and Kesuma, Dini (2003) Skrining Fitokimia Limbah Rimpang Acorus Calamus L. yang Telah Terdestilasi Minyak Atsirinya. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia XXIII. pp. 75-81. ISSN 979-97953-0-3
Ivony, Felia Azzahra (2023) Desain Proyek Dimethyl Phthalate dari Phthalic Anhydride dan Methanol dengan Katalis Asam Sulfat Kapasitas 10.000 Ton/Tahun. [Undergraduate thesis]
Joe, Michael (2019) Tugas Akhir Perancangan Website B2B dan Internet Marketing pada Perusahaan PT. Carbon Utama Tehnik, Surabaya. [Undergraduate thesis]
Kartini, Kartini and Alviani, Amarisa and Anjarwati, Dia and Finna Fanany, Adinda and Sukweenadhi, Johan and Avanti, Christina (2020) Process Optimization for Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Indonesian Medicinal Plant Extracts. Processes, 8 (8). 998/1-10. ISSN 2227-9717
Kartini, Kartini and Kirtishanti, Aguslina and Dessy, Dessy and Fauziah, Fauziah and Isnaini, Isnaini (2009) Immunomodulatory activity of Plantago major L. on IgM titer of mice. In: Proceeding International Conference on Pharmacy and Advanced Pharmaceutical Science, 2009, Yogyakarta.
Kartini, Kartini (2003) Pengaruh Proses Pra Pengeringan Rimpang Dringo (Acorus calamus L.) Terhadap Kadar dan Profil KLT-Spektrofotodensitometer Minyak Atsirinya. In: Prosiding Seminar dan Pameran Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia XXIII, 25 - 26 March 2003, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila.
Kartini, Kartini and Budiono, Riyanto and Hasyim, M. Riza and Artika, Ida Dwi (2009) KADAR FLAVONOID TOTAL DAN KAPASITAS PEREDAMAN RADIKAL BEBAS FRAKSI ETIL ASETAT, N-BUTANOL & AIR DAUN SENDOK (Plantago Major L.) TERHADAP 1,1-DIPHENYL-2-PICRYLHIDRAZYL (DPPH). Prosiding Simposium Penelitian Bahan Obat Alami XIV.
Kesuma, Dini and Yuniarta, Tegar Achsendo and Putra, Galih Satrio and Sumari, Sumari and Sulistyowaty, Melanny Ika and Anwari, Farida (2022) In-silico, synthesis, structure elucidation and anticancer activity study of 2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-4H-benzo[d][1,3]oxazin-4-one. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 35 (5). pp. 1391-1398.
Kesuma, Dini and Santosa, Harry (2012) PERBANDINGAN PERSENTASE HASIL SINTESIS ISOBUTIL PROPIONAT (FLAVOR RUM) ANTARA KATALIS H2S04 PEKAT DAN HCI PEKAT. In: Prosiding Kongres Ilmiah XIX dan Rapat Kerja Nasional Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia 2011: Peran IAI dan PTF dalam Membangun Budaya Pendidikan Berkelanjutan. PT.ISFI Penerbitan, Jakarta, pp. 299-305. ISBN 978-979-18514-7-3
Kesuma, Dini and Soejani, Sri (2002) PEMERIKSAAN KADAR LOGAM KALSIUM (Ca) DAN LOGAM TIMBAL (Pb) DALAM DAUN ASAM (Tamarindus indica L.) DARI TIGA DAERAH DENGAN METODE INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA SPECTROMETER (ICPS). In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional XIX Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan, Bogor, pp. 125-132. ISBN 979-548-016-2
Kirana, Pradiksa Pratyahara (2023) Desain Proyek Dimethyl Phthalate dari Phthalic Anhydride dan Methanol dengan Katalis Asam Sulfat Kapasitas 10.000 Ton/Tahun. [Undergraduate thesis]
Kirtishanti, Aguslina and Kartini, Kartini and Sanjaya, Dwi Arymbhi and A.T., Vincent (2011) Efek Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Biji Dan Biji Kedelai Hitam (Glycine soja var. hitam (L.) Sieb. & Zucc.) Sebagai Antihipertrigliserida Pada Tikus. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains Teknologi, 4 (2). pp. 93-100. ISSN 0216-1540
Kohar, Indrajati and Ratih, Ratih and Lynawati, Cynthia and Hadiyat, Mochammad Arbi and Puspaningsih, Ni Nyoman Tri and Janssen, Leon and Rega, Kestrilia (2016) Reducing Lead and Brown Color from Heavy Metal’s Elimination’s Filtrate. Proceedings of The 3rd Asia Future Conference Environment & Coexistence. pp. 74-75. ISSN 2432-0528
Kohar, Indrajati and Yuniarta, Tegar Achsendo and Budiono, Ryanto and Setiawan, Vendra and Alkindi, Fawandi Fuad and Ratih, Ratih (2023) Modul Analisis Obat dan Makanan Genap 2022/2023. [Teaching Resource]
Kohar, Indrajati and Budiono, Ryanto and Indriany, Diana and Wilujeng, Nanik S. (2005) Studi Kandungan Logam Berat Dalam Daging Ikan Dari Tambak yang Dekat dan Yang Jauh dari Daerah Industri. Berkala Penelitian Hayati, 10 (2). pp. 111-115. ISSN 0852-6834
Kohar, Indrajati and Budiono, Ryanto and Palupi, Sayekti and Kartini, Kartini and Kristiawan, Magdalena (2010) PENGARUH PERLAKUAN AWAL DIC PADA PENGERINGAN DAUN SALAM (Eugenia polyanta Wight, Walp) TERHADAP EFISIENSI EKSTRAKSI DAN KECUKUPAN KANDUNGAN SENYAWA FENOL TOTAL (Phenol Content). Jurnal Ilmiah Sains & Teknologi, 4 (1). pp. 18-28. ISSN 0216-1540
Kohar, Indrajati and Hardjo, Popy Hartatie and Jonatan, Melyana and Agustanti, Onie (2004) Studi Kandungan Logam Pb Dalam Batang dan Daun Kangkung (Ipomoea Reptans) Yang Direbus Dengan Penambahan NaCL dan Asam Asetat. Makara Seri Sains, 8 (3). pp. 85-88. ISSN 1693-6671
Kohar, Indrajati and Janssen, L.P.B.M. and Zeeuw, Rokus A. de and Tideman, Jeroen (2012) PARTICLE SIZE EXPERIMENTS ON THE ADSORPTION OF PB(II) FROM POLLUTED WATER BY RICE STRAW. Artocarpus Media Pharmaceutica Indonesia, 9 (1). pp. 29-34. ISSN 1411-8734
Kohar, Indrajati and Robert, Michel and Churlaud, Carine and Kolombo, Mulumba (2007) Heavy metals: Cd, Pb, and Hg in the hair of autistic children. In: Proceeding of International Conference Improving the Quality of Human Life : Multidisciplinary Approach on Strategic Relevance fo Urban Issues. University of Surabaya, Surabaya, pp. 160-166.
Kohar, Indrajati and Soediman, Soediatmoko and Allaf, Karim and Ariestanti, Niken (2011) Optimization of the Extraction's Condition of Eugenia polyanta (Wight.) Walp.) Leaves Powder Predried With Instant Controlled Pressure-Drop (DIC) and of the DIC's Cycles. In: Bali International Seminar on Science and Technology (Bisstech 2011), 22-23 July 2011, Chemistry Departement, Udayana University.
Kok, Tjie (2013) Fitoremediasi Ion Kadmium Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Akumulasinya Dalam Biomassa Kultur Tunas Musa Paradisiaca. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains & Teknologi V. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Lampung, Lampung. ISBN 978-979-8510-71-7
Kok, Tjie (2011) Inisiasi, Optimasi Media Dan Perbandingan Profil Kromatogram Senyawa Golongan Terpenoid, Alkaloid, Flavonoid Kultur Tunas Dan Tanaman Aral Gynura Pseudochina (Lour.) DC. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains & Teknologi IV, 29-30 November 2011, Bandar Lampung.
Kok, Tjie (2012) The Isolation-Purification Of Caffeine Using Two Common Methods. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains & Teknologi, 5 (2). p. 75. ISSN 0216-1540
Kok, Tjie (2010) The Remediation of Copper Ions by Shoot Cultures of Solanum Melongena and Its Influence on The Production of Phytosterols and Phytosteroids. In: Proceedings 2010 3rd International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science (ICECS). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Chengdu, China, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-4244-7630-5
Kok, Tjie and H., Poppy and W.T., Michael and N., Aida and Artadana, Artadana (2011) Inisiasi, Optimasi Media Dan Perbandingan Profil Kromatogram Senyawa Golongan Terpenoid, Alkaloid, Flavonoid Kultur Tunas Dan Tanaman Aral Gynura Pseudochina (Lour.) DC. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi IV. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Lampung, Lampung, pp. 733-740. ISBN 978-979-8510-34-2
Kwenusland, Albert G. and Lasakar, Andreas and Effendi, Cynthia and Priyantini, Hadiatni Rita and Riadi, Lieke (2018) Studi Termodinamika Pada Adsorpsi Direct Red 31 Dengan Adsorben Modified Rice Husk. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Soebardjo Brotohardjono XIV: Pengembangan Produk dan Energi Bersih. C.3-1. ISSN 1978-0427
Liasari, Yusnita and Wahjudi, Mariana (2014) Mutasi Enterobacter ludwigii untuk Produksi Biohidrogen melalui Penghambatan Jalur Pembentukan Asam. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (Submitted)
Lie, Hwa (2012) Aplikasi Teori Teknik Kimia dalam Mencari Model Matematis Pengurangan Berat Tomat Selama Penyimpanan. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains & Teknologi, 5 (2). ISSN 0216-1540
Lie, Hwa and ., Winoto and ., Dessy and ., Jasmin (2009) Model Matematis Laju Penyusutan Berat Buah Jeruk dan Pepaya Selama Penyimpanan. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia - SNTKI 2009. Program Studi Teknik Kimia FTI ITB, Bandung. ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2
Lie, Hwa and C.G., Andre and Kristiani, Taufan (2007) Dinamika Hidrolisa Etil Asetat Pada Sistem Batch dan Kontinyu. Prosiding Seminar Tjipto Utomo, 5. ISSN 1693‐1750
Lie, Hwa and Sapei, Lanny and Suseno, Natalia (2015) Zero Order Degradation Rate of Vitamin C in Fresh Orange and Strawberry Juices without Any Preservatives during Storage. Proceeding of the 14th International Conference on QIR (Quality in Research). pp. 1098-1103. ISSN 1411-1284
Lie, Hwa and Sapei, Lanny and Tarigan, Elieser (2016) PROSES PENGERINGAN RIMPANG TEMULAWAK (CURCUMA ZANTHORRHIZA) DENGAN PENJEMURAN LANGSUNG DAN PASSIVE SOLAR DRYER. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Soebardjo Brotohardjono XI dan Temu Mitra PPPTMBG "Lemigas". ISSN 1978-0427
Lie, Hwa and Suseno, Natalia (2013) Kinetika Penurunan Kandungan Vitamin C Dalam Jus Jeruk Selama Penyimpanan. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia UPN "Veteran"Jawa Timur prosiding. Program Studi Teknik Kimia UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Surabaya.
Lie, Hwa and Suseno, Natalia and C., Happy and Isnaini, Nur (2009) Pengaruh Edible Coating Terhadap Kecepatan Penyusutan Berat Apel Potongan. In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia - SNTKI 2009. Program Studi Teknik Kimia FTI ITB, Bandung. ISBN 978-979-98300-1-2
Makayasa, Citra Hayu Adi and Sumiyani, Ririn and Budiono, Ryanto and Wijaya, Natasha Kezia and Vellisia, Nancy and Umami, Hidayatul (2024) Determination Of Lead And Cadmium Levels In Canned Sardines Using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Jurnal Ilmiah Ibnu Sina, 9 (1). pp. 120-132. ISSN 2502-647X; e-ISSN 2503-1902
Maldini, Martino and Darmawan, Robert (2017) Upaya Pemanfaatan Silika sebagai Adsorben untuk Menghasilkan Gliserol Teknis dari Hasil Samping Produksi Biodiesel. Working Paper. Fakultas Teknik.
Masui, Gloria Tifany (2023) Desain Proyek Dimethyl Phthalate dari Phthalic Anhydride dan Methanol dengan Katalis Asam Sulfat Kapasitas 10.000 Ton/Tahun. [Undergraduate thesis]
N., Wulansari and Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti (2012) DNA THERMAL DENATURATION STUDY OF ANTIOXIDANT COMPOUNDS FROM METHANOL EXTRACT OF Euphorbia humifusa AS POTENTIAL ANTICANCER AGENTS. In: International Seminar on Natural Products Medicines : Current Issues on Future Researches and Applications of Natural Product Medicines, 22-23 November 2012, Bandung.
Nawatila, Roisah and Sonhota, Ron Manuel and Azminah, Azminah (2024) Formulation Physical Characteristic of Hard Candy Lozenge of Citrus Limon Essential Oil on Various Types of Sugar Free Candy Base (Isomalt, Mannitol, Sorbitol). Pharmaceutical Journal of Indonesia, 10 (1). pp. 53-58. ISSN 2461-114XÂ
Nugroho, Arhadianto Adi and Christina, Felicia and Buschle-Diller, Gisela and Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Erawati, Christina Mumpuni and Dewi, Ardhia Deasy Rosita and Mukti, Yayon Pamula and Sukweenadhi, Johan (2022) Characterization of Water Kefir from Broccoli Stem Extract with Addition of Palm Sugar. Media Pharmaceutica Indonesiana, 4 (2). pp. 114-124. ISSN 2527-6208; 2527-9017
Palupi, Sajekti and ., Sutarjadi and Yuniana, Ika (2002) PROFIL KANDUNGAN MINYAK ATSIRI RIMPANG TEMU GlRlNG (Curcuma heyneana Val. & v. Zijp.) COMPONENTS PROFILE OF ESSENTIAI, OIL FROM TEMU GIRING RHIZOMES (Curcuma heyneana Val. & v. Zijp.). In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional XVIII Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, 6-7 September 2002, Depok.
Palupi, Sajekti and Wonohadi, Elisawati (2003) PENGARUH BENTUK BAHAN TERHADAP EFEKTIFITAS PENYULINGAN MINYAK ATSIRI RIMPANG DRINGO (Acorus calamus L.) SERTA UJI INSEKTISIDA TERHADAP KUTU BERAS (Calandra oryzae L.). In: Prosiding Seminar dan Pameran Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia XXIII, 25 - 26 March 2003, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila.
Pangesti, Diah Yuli and Sumiyani, Ririn and Kuswandi, Bambang (2019) Pengembangan Strip Tes untuk Deteksi Pb dalam Jamu Pegal Linu Berbasis Ditizon secara Scanometri. Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1410-8917 (Submitted)
Prasetya, Charles and Oeilex, Natasya Oktaviani and Susanto, Rachel Grace Cherish (2024) Desain Proyek Pabrik N-Butil Oleat dengan Proses Esterifikasi Kapasitas 18.500 Ton/Tahun. [Undergraduate thesis]
Prasetyo, The Jennifer (2020) Desain Proyek Pabrik Monoethanolamine dengan Katalis Silika Alumina Kapasitas 3125 Ton/Tahun. [Undergraduate thesis]
Priyantini, Hadiatni Rita and Sediawan, Wahyudi Budi and ., Rochmadi and Prasetyo, Imam (2013) Mass Transfer Model for Basic Blue Adsorption onto Pillared Bentonite Clay Using Langmuir Equilibrium and Taking into Account the Intra Particle Concentration Gradient. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan· Pengembangan Teknologi Kimia untuk Pengolahan Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia . A7-1. ISSN 1693-4393
Purnawati, Dwi (2003) Pemeriksaan bakteri koliform dan logam Pb, Cd, Ca dalam air minum galon isi ulang merek Arg, Ags dan Alm di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. [Undergraduate thesis]
Purwanti, Rode and Endang W., Lucia and Setiawan W., Teguh (2003) UJI EFEK DAN POTENSI ANALGESIK EKSTRAK AIR KAYU ULES (Helicteres isora L.) DENGAN METODE INDUKSI TERMAL. In: Prosiding Seminar dan Pameran Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia XXIII, 25 - 26 March 2003, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila.
Purwanto, Edy and Riadi, Lieke and Widianto, Aloisiyus Yuli and Lie, Hwa (2012) Sintesa Biodiesel dari Minyak Jelantah Menggunakan Teknologi Ozon. In: The 1st Symposium in Industrial Technology, 17 Nopember 2012, Yogyakarta.
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Chrisnasari, Ruth and Meliawati, Meliawati (2013) Pengaruh pH, Suhu dan Konsentrasi Substrat Terhadap Produksi Konsentrat Asam Lemak Omega 3 Dari Limbah Minyak Ikan Melalui Hidrolisis Oleh Enzim Lipase dari Candida Rugosa. In: PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL RISET PANGAN, OBAT-OBATAN, DAN LINGKUNGAN UNTUK KESEHATAN. FMIPA Universitas Pakuan, Bogor. ISBN 978-602-14503-1-4
Purwanto, Edy and Riadi, Lieke (2013) The Optimization of Biodiesel Synthesis From Used Cooking Oil Using Ozone Technology. In: 20th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE 2013), 12-13 November 2013, Manila . (Submitted)
Purwanto, Edy and Riadi, Lieke and Indra, Nathania Tamara and Kisnanto, Mellisha Ika (2014) The Optimization of Ozonolysis Reaction For Synthesis of Biopolyol From Used Palm Cooking Oil. ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering, 14 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1655-4418
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti (2014) "Katakan Dengan Jamur" Salah Satu Alternatif Upaya Edukasi Biologi terhadap Kaum Muda dan Masyarakat Perkotaan. In: Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi 2014 : Buku Abstrak & Panduan Peserta. Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya Press), Surabaya, p. 80.
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti (2009) Natural Products Potential for Antigene Strategy. In: 10th. Congres and International Conference of Indonesian Society for Microbiology (ICISMI) : recent Advance of Microbiology in Health, Bio-Industry, Agriculture and Environment. Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia (PERMI) Cabang Surabaya., Surabaya, p. 74.
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti (2015) The Role and Efficiency of Ammonium Sulphate Precipitation in Purification Process of Papain Crude Extract. In: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR:MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR LIFE SCIENCES. (MCLS 2015), 7-8 May 2015, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. (Unpublished)
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti (2012) SENYAWA AKTIF DARI Euphorbia humifusa SEBAGAI AGEN ANTIGENE (ANALISA SPEKTROSKOPI DALAM UPAYA PENGEMBANGAN ANTIGENE THERAPY). Technical Report. Fakultas Teknobiologi Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (Submitted)
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti (2015) Synthesis And Covalent Attachment Of A Methylene Blue Derivative To A Triple Helix Forming Oligonucleotide. International Journal of Applied Chemistry, 11 (4). pp. 475-485. ISSN 0973-1792
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Kok, Tjie and Melinda, Ratna (2011) Preliminary Study On Antioxidant Property Of Typhonium Flagelliforme And Its Interaction With DNA. In: Humboldt Kolleg: SYNERGY, NETWORKING AND THE ROLE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT IN ASEAN in Conjuction with THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NATURAL SCIENCES (ICONS) 2011 (Conference Program and Abstract). Universitas Ma Chung, Malang.
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Kok, Tjie and Melinda, Ratna (2011) Screening Senyawa Anti Kanker Ekstrak Typhonium Flagelliforme (Keladi Tikus) Yang Berinteraksi Dengan DNA. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains & Teknologi. ISSN 0216-1540
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Kok, Tjie and Wulansari, Noviana (2012) Studi Termodinamika DNA terhadap Senyawa Antioksidan Ekstrak Euphorbia Humifusa yang Berpotensi Sebagai Antikanker. Jurnal Bahan Alam Indonesia, 8 (3). pp. 152-158. ISSN 1412-2855
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Nugraha, Billy (2013) Pengaruh Konsentrasi Papain, Rasio Berat Urea:Minyak, dan Suhu Kristalisasi dalam Kompleksasi Omega-3 Dari Limbah Minyak Ikan. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains & Teknologi, 7 (1). ISSN 0216-1540
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Rijanto, Anna and Artadhana, I.B. and Kok, Tjie and Theodorus, Selvy and Tanojo, Michael William (2010) In Vitro Production Of Secondary Metabolites From Gynura Pseudochina (Lour.) D.C. In: Proceedings International Conference on Medicinal Plants in Occasion of the 38th. Meeting of National Working Group on Indonesia Medicinal Plant. Faculty of Pharmacy Widya Mandala in Collaboration with National Working Group on Indonesian medical Plant and German Academic Exchange Service, Surabaya, pp. 91-100. ISBN 978-602-96839-1-2
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Tessie, Stephanie Lauren and Chrisnasari, Ruth (2014) Pengaruh Penambahan Ion Mono- dan Di-Valen terhadap Aktivitas Hidrolisis Enzim Lipase Candida rugosa pada Substrat Limbah Minyak Ikan. In: Prosiding SNB 2014 Biotechnological Approaches to Blue Economy Implementation. Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya Press), Surabaya, pp. 88-96. ISBN 978-602-14714-2-5
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Wahjudi, Mariana and Goeltom, Mangihot Tua and Maretha, Maggie Vency (2015) Whole Cell Hydrolysis of Sardine (Sardinella lemuru) Oil Waste using Mucor circinelloides NRRL 1405 Immobilized in Poly-urethane Foam. Procedia Chemistry, 14. pp. 256-261. ISSN 1876-6196
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Weisz, Klaus (2012) Synthesis and Covalent Attachment of a Methylene Blue Derivative to A Triple Helix Forming Oligonucleotide - The Way to New Anticancer Drugs. In: Proceeding of Humboldt Kolleg: SYNERGY, NETWORKING AND THE ROLE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH EAST ASIA in Conjuction with THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NATURAL SCIENCES (ICONS) 2011. Shaker Verlag , Aachen, pp. 163-169.
Purwanto, Maria Goretti Marianti and Weisz, Klaus (2013) Thermal Denaturation Study on The Binding of A Methylene Blue Derivative to A Triple Helix Forming Oligonucleotide. International Journal of Applied Chemistry, 9 (3). pp. 253-267. ISSN 0973-1792
Putra, Purnawan Pontana and Indradi, Raden Bayu and Yuniarta, Tegar Achsendo and Hanifa, Dini and Syaban, Mokhamad Fahmi Rizki and Suharti, Netty (2024) Computational investigation of Pluchea indica mechanism targeting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma. Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology, 13 (4). pp. 630-639. ISSN 2345-5004
Putra, Sulistyo Emantoko Dwi and Wijono, Heru and Sulistomo, Hikmawan Wahyu and Humardani, Farizky Martriano and Tanaya, Lady Theresa Adeodata and Mulyanata, Lisa Thalia and Kesuma, Dini and Ikawaty, Risma (2023) Exploring diet‑induced promoter hypomethylation and PDK4 overexpression: implications for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Molecular Biology Reports, 7 (23). pp. 8949-8958. ISSN 1573-4978
Putra, Sulistyo Emantoko Dwi and Reichetzeder, Christoph and Meixner, Martin and Liere, Karsten and Slowinski, Torsten and Hocher, Berthold (2017) DNA methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene promoter in the placenta is associated with blood pressure regulation in human pregnancy. Journal of Hypertension, 35 (11). pp. 2276-2286. ISSN 1473-5598
Putra, Verdianto Indra Wijaya Sutama and Tang, Sherly and Dharmayoga Denaswara, Putu Dhiyo (2022) Desain Proyek Asam Propionat dari Propionaldehid dengan Proses Oksidasi Kapasitas 20.000 Ton/tahun. [Undergraduate thesis]
Putri, Evelyn and Setyanto, Geza Aiyetoro and Pratama, Reyhan Sava (2023) Desain Proyek 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid dari 2,4-Diklorofenol dan Asam Monokloroasetat dengan Proses Netralisasi Kapasitas 10.000 Ton/Tahun. [Undergraduate thesis]
Rachmah, Alif Nur Laili and Fatmawati, Akbarningrum and Widjaja, Arief (2022) Impact of surfactant-aided subcritical water pretreatment process conditions on the reducing sugar production from oil palm empty fruit bunch. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 963. ISSN 1755-1315
Rahminah, Anisa Ika (2003) Kemampuan jerami padi dan karbon aktif sebagai adsorben larutan arsen (III) dengan cara pendiaman. [Undergraduate thesis]
Rakhmawati F., Erna and Endang W., Lucia and Setiawan W., Teguh (2003) UJI EFEK DAN POTENSI ANALGESIK EKSTRAK AIR DRINGO (Acorus calamus L. ) DENGAN METODE INDUKSI TERMAL. In: Prosiding Seminar dan Pameran Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia XXIII, 25 - 26 March 2003, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila.
Ramadhani, Shania and Rahmayanti, Renissa Ayu and Pebriyanti, Adisty Dwi (2024) Desain Proyek Isobutil Palmitat dari Asam Palmitat dan Isobutanol dengan Proses Esterifikasi Kapasitas 18.000 Ton/Tahun. [Undergraduate thesis]
Ratih, Ratih (2013) Matrix Interferences Study in Solution Containing Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead by ICP-AES. In: Proceeding The 2nd International Conference of the Indonesian Chemical Society 2013. Department of Chemistry Faculty of Mathemathics and Natural Sciences ,UII Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, pp. 233-238. ISBN 978-979-96595-4-5
Ratih, Ratih (2015) Pengembangan Metode Ekstraksi dan Analisis Irbesartan dalam Plasma Darah menggunakan High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Fluorescence. Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia, 7 (3). pp. 157-162. ISSN 1412-1107
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Suseno, Natalia and Milala, Alasen Sembiring and Yosinaga, Maulinda and ., Dessy (2012) Uji Sterilitas dari Berbagai Jenis Pengemas yang Telah Dibuka Kemasan Sekundernya dan Disimpan Selama Tiga Hari. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains & Teknologi, 5 (2). ISSN 0216-1540
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Widi, Restu Kartiko and Budhyantoro, Arief and Savitri, Emma (2017) Pengolah Air Bersih Berbasis Fotokatalis dari Bentonit-TiO2: Pengembangan Pilot Plant. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya. (Unpublished)
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Widi, Restu Kartiko and Budhyantoro, Arief and Savitri, Emma (2017) Sintesis Fotokatalis TiO2-Nano Tube Al2O3 dan Aplikasinya Sebagai Fotokatalisis Senyawa Organik dalam Limbah Cair. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya. (Unpublished)
Widi, Restu Kartiko and Budhyantoro, Arief and Savitri, Emma (2015) (Tahun II) Pelapis Keramik dari Bentonit-TiO2 Berkemampuan Fotokatalis; Sintesis dan Aplikasinya dalam Pengolah Limbah Organik Cair dan Pembuatan Ruangan Steril. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya. (Unpublished)
Widi, Restu Kartiko and Budhyantoro, Arief and Savitri, Emma (2016) (Tahun III) Pelapis Keramik dari Bentonit-TiO2 Berkemampuan Fotokatalis; Sintesis dan Aplikasinya dalam Pengolah Limbah Organik Cair dan Pembuatan Ruangan Steril. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya. (Unpublished)
Widi, Restu Kartiko and Budhyantoro, Arief and Savitri, Emma (2015) USE OF TiO2-Fe3O4 PILLARED BENTONITE AS PHOTOCATALYST IN PHOTODEGRADATION OF BASIC BLUE. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research , 7 (9S). pp. 183-188. ISSN 0975 - 7384
Widi, Restu Kartiko and Chrisnasari, Ruth and Budhyantoro, Arief and Christie, Stephanie Devina (2020) Immobilization of glucose oxidase on acid activated-bentonite and its performance examination. UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science, 82 (3). pp. 113-124. ISSN 14542331
Widi, Restu Kartiko and Fransiscus, Yunus and Budhyantoro, Arief (2014) Pelapis Keramik dari Bentonit-TiO2 Berkemampuan Fotokatalis; Sintesis dan Aplikasinya dalam Pengolah Limbah Organik Cair dan Pembuatan Ruangan Steril. Project Report. Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya. (Unpublished)
Widi, Restu Kartiko and Hamid, Sharifah Bee Abd (2018) Steam Influence and Effect of Oxidant Amount on Propane Oxidation over Multi Metal Oxide Catalyst Using High-Throughput Experiment. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 18 (2). 229-234 . ISSN 1411-9420
Widi, Restu Kartiko and Savitri, Emma and Angelina , Olivia and Caroline, Sherlly and Budhyantoro, Arief (2018) Antibacterial Inactivation of Escherichia coli after TiO2-Fe3O4-Bentonite Photocatalytic Treatment. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineeering and Information Technology, 8 (6). pp. 2367-2373. ISSN 2088 - 5334
Widi, Restu Kartiko and Savitri, Emma and Budhyantoro, Arief and Yasaputera, Robert and Gunardi, Johan (2020) Application of Photocatalyst Material Bentonite Ti Based as Antimicrobial Paint. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineeering and Information Technology, 10 (6). pp. 2498-2503. ISSN 2088 - 5334
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